मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Electrical Engineering


Journal Publications


Conference Publications


Research Projects


PhD Research Supervised


Awards & Honours

  • Ph.D.(Electrical Engineering) from M.N.I.T., Jaipur(2013)
    M.Tech.(Power System Engineering) from M.N.I.T., Jaipur(2004)
    B.E.(Electrical Engineering) from M.N.I.T., Jaipur (1997)
Research Interests

AI Applications to Power System Operation and Control, Power Systems Stability and Reliability, Integration of Electric Vehicles and Renewables in Power Grids, Demand Response Management, WAMS.

Brief Research Profile

Dr. Kusum Verma has been working in the research areas of power system operation and control with focus on power system stability issues, reliability and resiliency. She has investigated the application of AI in these areas for assessment of power system performance. In the realm of WAMS, she has proposed methodologies to monitor power systems events in real time. Her research also delves into the challenges and opportunities associated with integrating electric vehicles and renewables into existing power grids. She has also engaged in the field of demand response management. She is Senior Member, IEEE, IEEE PES and IEEE IAS. She is Academic Editor of the Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering and International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems. She has served as reviewer for various reputed International Journals and Conferences.

Professional Background
  • Associate Professor at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur [14 May 2018 - Present].
    Assistant Professor at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur [01 July 2005 - 13 May 2018].
    Lecturer at Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur [05 March 1999 - 30 June 2005].

  • Advanced Power System Protection
  • Operation and Control of Power Systems
  • Advanced Power System Protection
  • Electrical Software and Simulation Lab
  • Major Project
  • Optimal Operation and Control of Power System
  • Power System Optimization and Control

  • Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "MCS-ML based line vulnerability for infrastructural resilience assessment with multi-wind speed cyclonic zones" , Computers and Electrical Engineering (Elsevier) Volume :119 / 109575 / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.compeleceng.2024.109575
  • Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "Temporal assessment of operational resilience of transmission network and adaptation measures for a high-impact long duration cyclonic windstorm" , Sustainable Energy, Grids and Networks (Elsevier) Volume :39 / 101465 / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.segan.2024.101465
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Reliability based Computational Model for Stochastic Unit Commitment of a Bulk Power System integrated with Volatile Wind Power" , Reliability Engineering & System Safety (Elsevier) Volume :- / 109949 / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ress.2024.109949
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems Integrated with Wind and Solar Energy Sources: A Comprehensive Review" , Iranian Journal of Science and Technology, Transactions of Electrical Engineering (Springer ) Volume :- / - / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s40998-024-00701-5
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, S. Singh, Majed A. Alotaibi, Hasmat Malik, Mohammed E. Nassar, "A novel synchronized data-driven composite scheme to enhance photovoltaic (pv) integrated power system grid stability" , Energy Reports (Elsevier) Volume :11 / 895-907 / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.egyr.2023.12.029
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, Mahendra Bhadu, "N-1 Security Criteria Based Integrated Deterministic and Probabilistic Framework for Composite Power System Reliability" , Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering (Hindawi) Volume :2024 / - / 2024 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1155/2024/5518874
  • 2023
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, Satyendra Singh, Majed A. Alotaibi, Hasmat Malik, Fausto Pedro Garcia Marquez, "Data-Driven Unified Scheme to Enhance the Stability of Solar Energy Integrated Power System in Real-Time" , IEEE Access (IEEE) Volume :11 / 118443-118461 / 2023 DOI: 10.1109/ACCESS.2023.3325195
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, "Synchronized Data-driven Composite Scheme for Augmenting Power Grid Stability" , Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering (Springer ) Volume :- / - / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s13369-023-08481-6
  • 2022
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "New Data Driven Scheme for Real-Time Power System Transient Stability Assessment" , Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (Springer) Volume :- / / 2022 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1007/s42835-022-01326-6
  • 2021
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "A New Synchronized Data Driven based Comprehensive Approach to Enhance Real-Time Situational Awareness of Power System" , International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) Volume :31 / - / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.12887
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Model free Robust Real-Time severity analyser using PMU measurement" , International Journal of Electrical Power & Energy Systems (Elsevier) Volume :133 / / 2021 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2021.107333
  • 2020
  • Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "Impact of battery energy storage, controllable load, and network reconfiguration on contemporary distribution network under uncertain environment" , IET-Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET) Volume :14 / 4719 - 472 / 2020 DOI: 10.1049/iet-gtd.2020.0369
  • Sachin Sharma, K.R. Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "Coordination of different DGs, BESS and demand response for multiobjective optimization of distribution network with special reference to Indian power sector" , International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier) Volume :121 / / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2020.106074
  • Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "A bi-level optimization framework for investment planning of distributed generation resources in coordination with demand response" , Energy Sources, Part A: Recovery, Utilization, and Environmental Effects (Taylor & Francis) Volume :- / / 2020 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1080/15567036.2020.1758248
  • 2019
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Robust coordinated control for damping low frequency oscillations in high wind penetration power system" , International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) Volume :29 / / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/2050-7038.12006
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Impact of EV Fast Charging Station on Distribution System Embedded with Wind Generation" , IET Journal of Engineering (IET) Volume :2019 / 4692-4697 / 2019
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Wide area coordinated control for low frequency oscillations damping in a wind integrated power system" , IET Journal of Engineering (IET) Volume :2019 / 4941-4945 / 2019
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Multi-Objective Synergistic Planning of EV Fast Charging Stations in Distribution System Coupled with Transportation Network" , IET Generation, Transmission and Distribution (IET) Volume :13 / 3421-3432 / 2019
  • Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "Impact of Multiple Battery Energy Storage System Strategies on Energy Loss of Active Distribution Network" , International Journal of Renewable Energy Research (IJRER) (Gazi University) Volume :9 / 1705-1711 / 2019 DOI: https://doi.org/10.20508/ijrer.v9i4.10030.g7773
  • Mitul Gamit, Rajesh Kumar, Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, "Supplementary frequency control in power systems via decentralized V2G/G2V support" , IET Journal of Engineering (IET) Volume :2019 / 5287-5291 / 2019
  • Sachin Sharma, N. Meena, K. R. Niazi, Kusum Verma, "Multiple DRPs to maximize the techno-economic benefits of distribution networks" , IET Journal of Engineering (IET) Volume :2019 / 5240- 5244 / 2019
  • Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr R. Niazi, Kusum Verma, Rayees Ahmad Thokar, "Bilevel optimization framework for impact analysis of DR on optimal accommodation of PV and BESS in distribution system" , International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) Volume :29 / - / 2019
  • 2018
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Voltage Dependent Modelling of Fast Charging Electric Vehicle Load Considering Battery Characteristics" , IET Electrical Systems in Transportation (IET) Volume :8 / 221-230 / 2018 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1049/iet-est.2017.0096
  • Shahbaz.A.Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Real-Time Monitoring of Post-Fault Scenario for Determining Generator Coherency and Transient Stability through ANN" , IEEE Transactions on Industry Applications (IEEE) Volume :54 / 685-692 / 2018 DOI: 10.1109/TIA.2017.2753176
  • 2017
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Impact Analysis of DFIG Location on Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System" , IET Journal of Engineering (IET) Volume :2017 / 1413-1417 / 2017
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Dynamic Impact Analysis of DFIG-Based Wind Turbine Generators on Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System" , IET Generation, Transmission & Distribution (IET) Volume :11 / 4500-4510 / 2017
  • 2016
  • Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma,Khaleequr Rehman Niazi and Manoj Fozdar, "A unified control scheme for power system transient stability enhancement through preventive and emergency control" , International Transactions on Electrical Energy Systems (Wiley) Volume :26 / 365-383 / 2016 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1002/etep.2086
  • 2015
  • Shahbaz.A.Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Preventive and Emergency Control of Power System for Transient Stability Enhancement" , Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers) Volume :10 / 83-91 / 2015
  • Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Preventive control for transient security with generation rescheduling based on rotor trajectory index" , Journal of Electrical Engineering & Technology (The Korean Institute of Electrical Engineers) Volume :10 / 465-473 / 2015
  • 2014
  • Shahbaz.A.Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Generator rotor angles prediction for on-line transient stability assessment using radial basis function neural network" , Research Journal of Applied Sciences, Engineering and Technology (Maxwell Scientific Organization) Volume :8 / 1665-1672 / 2014
  • Shiv Shambhu Kumar Suman, Kusum Verma , "Artificial Intelligence based Classifier design for Power System Static Security Assessment" , International Journal of Innovative Reasearch in Engineering, Science and Technology (online) Volume :1 / 19-24 / 2014
  • 2013
  • Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "A coherency based generator rescheduling for preventive control of transient stability in power systems" , International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier) Volume :45 / 10-18 / 2013 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2012.08.072
  • 2012
  • Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Supervised learning approach to online contingency screening and ranking in power systems" , International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems (Elsevier ) Volume :38 / 97-104 / 2012 DOI: https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ijepes.2011.12.025
  • Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Contingency Constrained Power System Security Assessment using Cascade Neural Network" , International Journal of Electrical Systems (ESRGroups) Volume :8 / 1-12 / 2012
  • 2011
  • M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "Improvement of Transient Stability and Voltage Profile for a Multimachine Power System using STATIC COMPENSATOR (STATCOM)" , International Journal of Emerging Technologies and Applications in Engineering, Technology and Sciences (C.U.SHAH COLLEGE OF ENGINEERING AND TECHNOLOGY.GUJARAT) Volume :4 / 241-245 / 2011
  • 2010
  • Kusum Dangi, K. R. Niazi, R. C. Bansal, "Application of Neural Networks for Power System Security Evaluation" , International Journal of Electrical Energy Systems (Serials Publications) Volume :2 / 35-47 / 2010

  • Arshad Ali, Kusum Verma, "PMU Data Driven Machine Learning Regression Method for Real Time Voltage Stability Assessment" , International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials 2024 -ICCCCM 2024 by :IEEE at Prayagraj, Uttar Pradesh, India / / 2024
  • Prahlad Mundotiya, Charul Jain and Kusum Verma, "Islanding Detection by Current Based Technique in Indian Distribution Grid" , 15th International IEEE Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT - Mandi, Himachal Pradesh, India / / 2024
  • 2023
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Leveraging Synchronized Measurements for Novel Wide Area Event Detector" , Springer Nature International Conference, Sigmaa 2023 by :Springer at Delhi / / 2023
  • Varnika Gulati, Kusum Verma, "Supervised Machine Learning to Identify Loss of Excitation and Power Swing in a Generator" , 7th International Conference on Computer Applications in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances, CERA 2023 by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India / - / 2023 ISBN: -
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Online Approach for Short Term Flexibility Ranking of Thermal Power Plants Using ANN" , 49th Annual Conference of IEEE Industrial Electronics Society -IECON by :IEEE at Singapore / - / 2023 ISBN: -
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Supervised Learning for Online Reliability Based UC Decision for Wind Integrated Composite Power System" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, India / - / 2023 ISBN: -
  • Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "Assessment of Infrastructural and Operational Resilience of Transmission Lines During Dynamic Meteorological Hazard" , 14th International Conference on Computing Communication and Networking Technologies -ICCCNT by :IEEE at IIT Delhi, India / - / 2023 ISBN: -
  • 2022
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz A. Siddiqui and Kusum Verma , "Model Free Data-Driven Scheme to Assess Transient Instability of Solar Energy Penetrated Power System" , 22nd National Power Systems Conference-NPSC 2022 by :IIT Delhi at New Delhi / / 2022
  • Munzaa Shaikh, Kusum Verma, "Comparison of Multiperiod Deterministic and Stochastic UC Considering Renewable Uncertainties and Contingencies" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Devashish, Kusum Verma, "Optimal Load Frequency Control of Interconnected Two Area Non-Reheat Thermal-Thermal Power System" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Bhupesh Agarwal, Kusum Verma, "Two Stage Framework for Techno-Economic Analysis of Electricity Pool Markets Integrated With Stochastic Wind Power" , 3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technologies (INCET-2022) by :IEEE at Karnataka, India / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Munzaa Shaikh, Kusum Verma, "Contingency Constrained Stochastic UC Decision With Wind Power Generation and Energy Storage" , Second IEEE International Conference on Next Generation Intelligent Systems (ICNGIS 2022) by :IEEE at Kerala, India / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Abhishek Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "A Probabilistic Approach to Assess Quantitative Resilience of Transmission Line During Cyclone" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Ghanshyam Meena, Kusum Verma and Akhilesh Mathur, "FVSI Based Meta-Heuristic Algorithm for Optimal Load Shedding to Improve Voltage Stability" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • Anurag Tyagi, Yash Bhandari, Kusum Verma and Varnika Gulati, "Inverse Time Overcurrent Relaying Decision for Protection of Three Phase Transmission Line" , IEEE 10th Power India International Conference (PIICON)2022 by :IEEE at NIT Delhi / - / 2022 ISBN: -
  • 2021
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "MCS-ANN Based Hybrid Approach for Reliability Assessment of Composite Power System" , IEEE 4th International Conference on Computing, Power and Communication Technologies (GUCON) by :IEEE at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia / / 2021
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Enhanced Real Time Power System Monitoring by Detecting Event Signature" , FlexEV-2021: Flexible Electronics for Electric Vehicles by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur, India / / 2021
  • Tanmay Jain, Kusum Verma, "Optimal Load Curtailment to Improve Reliability of Composite Power System With N -1 Contingency" , 2nd IEEE International Conference on Smart Technologies for Power, Energy & Control (STPEC-2021) by :IEEE at Chhattisgarh, India / / 2021
  • 2020
  • Shreyanshu Garg, Ashvi Agrawal, Shubham Goyal and Kusum Verma, "Day Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Markov Chain Model" , 17th IEEE India Council International Conference (INDICON2020) by :IEEE at NSUT, Delhi / - / 2020 ISBN: -
  • Shreyanshu Garg, Ashvi Agrawal, Shubham Goyal and Kusum Verma, "Day Ahead Solar Irradiance Forecasting Using Different Statistical Techniques" , 9th IEEE Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems Conference (PEDES,2020) by :IEEE at MNIT, Jaipur / - / 2020 ISBN: -
  • Sachin Sharma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, Kusum Verma, Tanuj Rawat, "An Efficient Optimization Approach for Coordination of Network Reconfiguration and PV Generation on Performance Improvement of Distribution Network" , Electric Power and Renewable Energy Conference-2020 (EPREC-2020) by :Springer at Jamshedpur, India / - / 2020 ISBN: -
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma and K. R. Niazi, "Dynamic Impact Analysis of Wind Integration on Small Signal Stability of Power System" , IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics & IoT Applications in Renewable Energy and Its Control (PARC 2020) by :IEEE at UP, India / - / 2020 ISBN: -
  • 2019
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Planning of EV Fast Charging Stations for Distribution System Coupled With Transportation Network" , IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE USA at Atlanta, USA / - / 2019 ISBN: -
  • 2018
  • Vasanth Reddy, Samidha Mridul Verma, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Hybrid Approach for Short Term Wind Power Forecasting" , IEEE 9th International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT 2018) by :IEEE at IISc Bengaluru / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K.R. Niazi, "Power System Low Frequency Oscillations Monitoring and Generator Coherency Determination in Real Time" , IEEE PES ISGT Asia 2018 by :IEEE at Singapore / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • A. Gupta, K. Verma, K. Niazi, "Wide Area Coordinated Control for Low Frequency Oscillations Damping in a Wind Integrated Power System" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • M. Gamit, R. Kumar, A. Shukla, K. Verma, "Supplementary Frequency Control in Power Systems via Decentralized V2G Support" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • A Shukla, K Verma, R Kumar, "Impact of EV Fast Charging Station on Distribution Systems Embedded With Wind Generation" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • S. Sharma, N. Meena, K. Niazi, K. Verma, "Multiple Demand Response Programs to Maximize the Techno-Economic Benefits of Distribution Networks" , IET Renewable Power Generation (RPG) Conference 2018 by :IET at Denmark / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Planning of Fast Charging Stations in Distribution System Coupled With Transportation Network for Capturing EV Flow" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Mitul Gamit, Akanksha Shukla, Rajesh Kumar, Kusum Verma, "Decentralized PEVs Energy Management Scheme for Supplementary Frequency Regulation Considering Mobility Behaviour" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Wide-Area PMU-ANN Based Monitoring of Low Frequency Oscillations in a Wind Integrated Power System" , 8th IEEE International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE), Jaipur by :IEEE at MNIT Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Interfacing Python With DIgSILENT Power Factory: Automation of Tasks" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Synchrophasor Measurements Assisted Naïve Bayes Classification Based Real – Time Transient Stability Prediction of Power System" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Real-Time Low Frequency Oscillations Monitoring and Coherency Determination in a Wind Integrated Power System" , Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018) by :Springer at Manipal University Jaipur / - / 2018 ISBN: -
  • Samidha Mridul Verma, Vasanth Reddy, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar , "Markov Models Based Short Term Forecasting of Wind Speed for Estimating Day-Ahead Wind Power" , IEEE International Conference on Power, Energy, Control and Transmission Systems (ICPECTS 2018) by :IEEE at Chennai,India / / 2018
  • 2017
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Optimal PMU Placement for Complete Power System Observability Under (P–1) Contingency" , IEEE International Women in Engineering Conference on Electrical and Computer Science Engineering (WIECON-ECE- 2017) by :IEEE at Dehradun, India, / / 2017
  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma, "Optimal PMU Placement for Coordinated Observability of Power System Under Contingencies" , IEEE International Conference on Circuits and Systems (ICCS 2017) by :IEEE at Kerala, India, / / 2017
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, Khaleequr Rehman Niazi, "Contingency Constrained Optimal Placement of PMUs for Wide Area Low Frequency Oscillation Monitoring" , 7th International Conference on Power Systems, (ICPS 2017) by :IEEE at Pune, India, / - / 2017 ISBN: -
  • A.K. Gupta, K. Verma, K.R. Niazi, "Impact Analysis of DFIG Location on Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System" , 6th IET Renewable Power Generation Conference (RPG 2017) by :IET at Wuhan, China, / / 2017
  • Kuldeep, Kusum Verma, "Transient Stability Assessment of DFIG Integrated Distribution System" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances (CERA 17) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India, / / 2017
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Multi-Stage Voltage Dependent Load Modelling of Fast Charging Electric Vehicle" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Computer Application in Electrical Engineering - Recent Advances (CERA 17) by :IEEE at IIT Roorkee, India / / 2017
  • Chinnu Mariam Baby, Kusum Verma and Rajesh Kumar, "Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting and Wind Energy Estimation: A Case Study of Rajasthan" , IEEE International Conference on Computer, Communications and Electronics (COMPTELIX 2017) by :IEEE at Jaipur / / 2017
  • Chinnu Mariam Baby, Kusum Verma and Rajesh Kumar , "Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting Using Regression Based Methods" , INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE on TELECOMMUNICATION, POWER ANALYSIS and COMPUTING TECHNIQUES (ICTPACT - 2017) by :IEEE at Chennai,Tamil Nadu / / 2017
  • Chinnu Mariam Baby, Kusum Verma and Rajesh Kumar, "Artificial Neural Network Based Short Term Wind Speed Forecasting: A Case Study of Rajasthan" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India, / / 2017
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Intelligent Wide Area Monitoring of Power System Oscillatory Dynamics in Real Time" , International Conference on Advanced Computing and Communication Systems ICACCS 2017 by :IEEE at Coimbatore, India / / 2017
  • 2016
  • Harita Shah, Kusum Verma, "PMU-ANN Based Approach for Real Time Voltage Stability Monitoring" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India / / 2016
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Online Voltage Stability Monitoring of Distribution System Using Optimized Support Vector Machine" , 6th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems by :IEEE at Indian Institute of Technology Delhi, India / / 2016
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, "Voltage Stability Improvement of Distribution Networks by Enhancing DGs Impacts" , International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University,India / / 2016
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, "PMU-ANN Based Real Time Monitoring of Power System Electromechanical Oscillations" , 2016 IEEE First International Conference on Power Electronics, Intelligent Control and Energy Systems (ICPEICES 2016) by :IEEE at Delhi Technological University, India, / / 2016
  • Harita Shah, Kusum Verma, "Voltage Stability Monitoring by Different ANN Architectures Using PCA Based Feature Selection" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner / / 2016
  • Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Real Time Intelligent Oscillatory Stability Monitoring and Coherent Groups Identification" , 7th Power India International Conference by :IEEE at Govt. Engineering College Bikaner / / 2016
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Rajesh Kumar, "Consumer Perspective Based Placement of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations by Clustering Techniques" , NPSC by :Conference at IIT Bhubaneswar / / 2016
  • 2015
  • Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Real-Time Identification of Generator Coherent Groups Through Synchrophasor Measurements and ANN" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, INDIA / / 2015
  • Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, "Optimal Voltage Regulation of a Distribution Network by Output Power Management of DGs" , 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015) by :IEEE at Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi, INDIA / / 2015
  • Neha Agarwal, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Anil Swarnkar, Nikhil Gupta, "Optimal Penetration of Renewable Sources for Distribution System Performance Improvement" , 2015 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Denver, Colorado, USA / / 2015
  • Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Artificial Neural Network Based Early Detection of Real-Time Transient Instability for Initiation of Emergency Control Through Wide-Area Synchrophasor Measurements" , IEEE International Conference on Computer Communication and Control (IC4-2015) by :IEEE at Indore,India / - / 2015
  • 2014
  • Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, "Rotor Trajectory Index for Transient Security Assessment Using Radial Basis Function Neural Network" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington D.C., USA. / -- / 2014
  • Shahbaz. A. Siddiqui, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi, Manoj Fozdar, "Wide Area Synchrophasor Measurements Based Transient Stability Assessment and Emergency Control" , 2014 IEEE PES General Meeting by :IEEE at Washington D.C., USA / -- / 2014
  • 2013
  • Shiv Shambhu Kumar Suman, Kusum Verma , "Artificial Intelligence Based Classifier Design for Power System Static Security Assessment" , International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET-2013) by :Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur at Jaipur / 53-57 / 2013
  • 2012
  • Kusum Verma, K.R.Niazi, "Generator Coherency Determination in a Smart Grid Using Artificial Neural Network" , IEEE Power Engineering Society General Meeting by :IEEE at San Diego,California / 1-7 / 2012 ISBN: 978-1-4673-2727-5
  • Keerti Rawal, Kanika Bathra, Priyanka Amteda, Jaya Choudhary, Kusum Verma, "Graph Theory Based Generator Rescheduling for Power System Security Enhancement" , 3rd National Conference on Power Electronics and Intelligent Control, NCPEIC-2012 by :MNIT Jaipur at MNIT Jaipur / 161-165 / 2012
  • 2011
  • N. Inani, A.Sharma, S.Pincha, Kusum Verma, "Power System Contingency Analysis for Steady State Security Assessment Using Artificial Neural Network" , National Conference on Advances & Research in Electrical System Technology by :Arya Institute of Engineering & Techonology, Jaipur at Jaipur / 146-152 / 2011
  • Kusum Verma, K.R.Niazi, "Determination of Vulnerable Machines for Online Transient Security Assessment in Smart Grid Using Artificial Neural Network" , Annual IEEE India Conference,INDICON 2011 by :IEEE at Hyderabad, Andhra Pradesh, India / 1-5 / 2011 ISBN: 978-1-4577-1110-7
  • 2010
  • M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "Transient Stability Analysis of a Multimachine Power System" , National Conference on Computational Engineering: Modelling, Simulation and Optimisation, CEMSO-2010 by :Defence Institute of Advanced Techonology, Pune at Defence Institute of Advanced Techonology, Pune / 9-17 / 2010
  • P. Chitaranjan Sharma, Ishaan Pandiya, Dipak Swargari, Kusum Dangi, "MATLAB/GUI Simulation Tool for Power System Fault Analysis With Neural Network Fault Classifier" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :MANIT, Bhopal at MANIT, Bhopal / 266-270 / 2010
  • M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "GA Based Cost Optimization of STATCOM for Power System Stability Enhancement" , International Conference on Electrical Power and Energy Systems by :MANIT, Bhopal at MANIT, Bhopal / 480-485 / 2010
  • M.Bhadu, Kusum Dangi, "Power System Stability Enhancement of Multimachine Power System Using Static VAR Compensator" , International Conference on Energy Optimization and Control by :Govt. College of Engineering, Aurangabad at Aurangabad / 1-5 / 2010
  • 2001
  • Kusum Dangi, Birdhi Chand, Diwaker Dangi, "Electricity From the Sun -the Solar Chimney" , All India Seminar on ‘Power Systems: Recent Advances and Prospects in 21st Century’ by :MREC,Jaipur at MREC,Jaipur / 1-5 / 2001

  • Book Chapter, "Impact Analysis and Robust Coordinated Control of Low Frequency Oscillations in Wind Integrated Power System" ISBN:ISBN: 978-3-030-54274-0 published by - Springer Nature Switzerland Year: 2021 authors- Abhilash Kumar Gupta, Akanksha Shukla, Kusum Verma, K. R. Niazi
  • Book Chapter, "Data-Driven Wide-Area Situation Analyzer for Power System Event Detection and Severity Assessment" ISBN:ISBN: 978-3-030-54274-0 published by - Springer Nature Switzerland Year: 2021 authors- Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui and Kusum Verma
  • Book Chapter, "A Performance Analysis of Robust Primary Control of AC Microgrid with Mitigation of Measurement Noise" ISBN:9781774638439 published by - CRC Press, Taylor & Francis Year: 2023 authors- Mahendra Bhadu, Bhuvnesh Rathor, Kusum Verma, S. K. Bishnoi, and O. P. Mahela

Level Area of Assignment Organization Designation/Assignment Duration
NationalAcademic WorkAICTEExpert Member[16 Mar 2024 - 05 Apr 2024]
NationalAcademic WorkManipal University JaipurExternal Auditor[27 Feb 2024 - 27 Feb 2024]
NationalAcademic WorkRPSC, AjmerExpert[10 May 2022 - 10 May 2022]

Level Type Collaborator Organization Year
Dr. Divya Rishi ShrivastavaManipal University Jaipur2023
Dr. Shahbaz Ahmed SiddiquiManipal University Jaipur2023
Dr. Divya Rishi ShrivastavaManipal University Jaipur2022
Dr. Shahbaz Ahmed SiddiquiManipal University Jaipur2022
Dr. Divya Rishi ShrivastavaManipal University Jaipur2021
Dr. Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui Manipal University Jaipur2021
Dr. Akanksha ShuklaSardar Vallabhbhai National Institute of Technology, Surat, Gujarat 2021

Journal Name Publisher Role Duration
e-Prime - Advances in Electrical Engineering, Electronics and Energy Elsevier Associate Editor01-07-2024 - 31-12-2026
International Transactions on Electrical Energy SystemsWileyAcademic Editor24-01-2024 - Present
Journal of Electrical and Computer EngineeringWileyAcademic Editor22-08-2023 - Present

  • National level Short Term Course on "Advanced Optimization Techniques (AOT-2018)" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 12-10-2018 to 21-10-2018
  • National level Short Term Course on "Advanced Optimization Techniques" at MNIT , Jaipur, India from 06-10-2017 to 15-10-2017
  • National level Short Term Course on "Advanced Optimization Techniques" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 21-11-2016 to 25-11-2016
  • National level Short Term Course on "Smart Grid Technologies" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 02-11-2015 to 06-11-2015
  • National level Workshop on "Research Publishing Tools" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 21-09-2015 to 21-09-2015
  • National level Workshop on "MATLAB Programming for Research Scholars" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 14-09-2015 to 14-09-2015
  • National level Short Term Course on "Advanced Optimization Techniques" at MNIT, Jaipur, India from 18-05-2015 to 22-05-2015

  • Life Member of IE (India)
  • Life Member of ISTE
  • Senior Member of IEEE (USA)
  • Senior Member of IEEE Industry Applications Society (USA)
  • Senior Member of IEEE Power & Energy Society (USA)
  • Member of IEEE Smart Grid Community
  • Member of IEEE Climate Change Technical Community
  • Member of IEEE Transportation Electrification Community

  • Divya Rishi Shrivastava on Investigation on Wide Area Monitoring, Assessment and Control of Power System Year - 2022
  • Sachin Sharma on Demand Response Management in Distribution Systems Year - 2020
  • Abhilash Gupta on Monitoring and Control of Low Frequency Oscillations in Power System Year - 2019
  • Akanksha Shukla on Optimal Planning and Impact Analysis of Electric Vehicle Fast Charging Stations in Distribution Systems Year - 2019
  • Ongoing
  • Munazza Shaikh on Power System Operation and Control Year - 2024
  • Apoorv Ravi Pandey on DER Hosting Capacity Analysis in Distribution Systems Year - 2023
  • Abhishek Kumar Gupta on Impact of Weather Events on Operational and Infrastructural Resilience of Power Grids Year - 2021
  • Tanmay Jain on Reliability Evaluation of Composite Power Systems with Integration of Renewable Energy Sources Year - 2020

  • Arshad Ali on Synchrophasor Measurements-based Machine Learning Method for Voltage Stability Assessment Year - 2023-2024 (Completed)
  • Shivam Sarawat on Optimal Scheduling of Solar PV Generation and Battery Energy Storage System in Power System Year - 2023-2024 (Completed)
  • 2022-2023
  • Varnika Gulati on AI based Approach to Detect Loss of Excitation and Power Swing Condition in Synchronous Generator Year - 2022-2023 (Completed)
  • 2021-2022
  • Devashish on Optimal Load Frequency Control for Interconnected Two Area Fuel-Fired Power System Year - 2021-2022 (Completed)
  • Munazza Shaikh on Multi-Period Deterministic and Stochastic UC Decision for Power Systems Integrated with Wind Power and Energy Storage Year - 2021-2022 (Completed)
  • 2020-2021
  • Bharath Sai Kumar Mattapu on Day-Ahead Electricity Market Clearing with Network Contingencies Year - 2020-2021 (Completed)
  • Bhupesh Sureshkumar Agrawal on Techno-Economic Analysis of Integrating Stochastic Wind Power Generation in Electricity Pool Markets Year - 2020-2021 (Completed)
  • 2019-2020
  • Lalit Kishor on Congestion Management in Deregulated Power System Using Different Control Techniques Year - 2019-2020 (Completed)
  • Ghanshyam Meena on Voltage Security Assessment and Control in Modern Power System Year - 2019-2020 (Completed)
  • 2018-2019
  • Navneet Kumar Dahariya on Distribution Network Reliability Assessment in Presence of Demand Response Year - 2018-2019 (Completed)
  • Shruti Kahaliya on Demand Response Management in Power Grids with Wind Integration Year - 2018-2019 (Completed)
  • 2017-2018
  • Reena Meena on Maximizing DISCO Profit by Optimal Planning of ESS and DG in Active Distribution System. Year - 2017-2018 (Completed)
  • Krishan Kumar Koshik on Economic Perspective of Micro Grid using Embedded Power Production Year - 2017-2018 (Completed)
  • 2016-2017
  • Prahlad Mundotiyan on Islanding detection in Distribution System with Distributed Generation Year - 2016-2017 (Completed)
  • Kuldeep on Transient Stability Assessment in Distribution System with Distributed Generation Year - 2016-2017 (Completed)
  • 2015-2016
  • Harita Shah on Voltage Stability Monitoring using AI Techniques and Synchrophasor Measurements Year - 2015-2016 (Completed)
  • 2014-2015
  • Akanksha Shukla on Voltage Control in Distribution Networks with Distributed Generation Year - 2014-2015 (Completed)
  • 2013-2014
  • Raghwendra Narayan Raghav on Real-time Frequency and Voltage Control in Power Systems using WAMS Year - 2013-2014 (Completed)
  • 2012-2013
  • Shiv Shambhu Kumar Suman on Generation Rescheduling for Congestion Management in Power Systems Using Particle Swarm Optimization Year - 2012-2013 (Completed)
  • 2011-2012
  • Kadam Vashishtha on Artificial Intelligence based Power System Dynamic Security Classification in Energy Management Systems Year - 2011-2012 (Completed)
  • 2009-2010
  • Mahendra Bhadu on Optimal Operation of Multimachine Power System for Stability Improvement using STATCOM and Economic Load Dispatch using GA Year - 2009-2010 (Completed)
  • Neeraj Kanwar on Optimal Location of Shunt connected FACTS devices for Power System Transient Stability Enhancement Year - 2009-2010 (Completed)
  • 2008-2009
  • Shivraj Sharma on Simulation and Analysis of DFIG System with Wind Turbine implementing Fuzzy Logic Controller Year - 2008-2009 (Completed)

Title Total Outlay
(In Lacs)
Year Funding Agency Role
Condition Monitoring and Efficient Usage of Wind Farms using Advanced Prediction Models4.542016-2018Department of Science and Technology, Government of Rajasthan, Jaipur PI

  • Convener, DPGC, Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 10-08-2023 to 25-12-2023
  • External Member, DPGC, DSC and Guest Faculty selection for year 2023-2024 in Department of Physics in MNIT Jaipur from - 08-05-2023 to 19-05-2024
  • Convener, DUGC, Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 01-07-2020 to 29-06-2022
  • External Member, DPGC,DSC and Guest Faculty Selections for 2019-20 in Mechanical Engineering Deptt in MNIT Jaipur from - 27-05-2019 to 27-05-2020
  • Faculty Coordinator, Training & Placement Cell in MNIT Jaipur from - 19-07-2017 to 20-06-2018
  • Faculty In-charge, Power Systems Lab , Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 29-06-2015 to 17-07-2019
  • Project Coordinator (UG), Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 30-08-2013 to 28-06-2015
  • Faculty In-charge, Electrical Science Lab , Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 13-10-2011 to 20-05-2014
  • Department Representative for Legal Matters in MNIT Jaipur from - 14-06-2011 to 14-06-2012
  • Member, Departmental Promotion Committee for Non-teaching Staff in MNIT Jaipur from - 16-04-2010 to 16-12-2010
  • Faculty In-charge, Measurement and Network Lab, Electrical Engineering Department in MNIT Jaipur from - 10-02-2009 to 20-05-2014
  • Member Editorial Board for 37th Annual Report & Annual Accounts in MNIT Jaipur from - 01-06-2003 to 10-02-2004
  • External Member, DPGC, DSC and Guest Faculty selection for Department of Architecture and Planning in MNIT Jaipur from - 05-01-2002 to 07-05-2023

  • "Method for Reliability Based Stochastic Unit Commitment Model for Wind Integrated Bulk Power System", Kusum Verma, Tanmay Jain , Reg.No. 202411031237 [Indian Patent Office, New Delhi] Filed Dt.18-04-2024
  • "Real-Time Power System Transient Stability Assessment Using a New Data-Driven Technique", Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma , Reg.No. 202311070060 [Indian Patent Office, New Delhi] Filed Dt.16-10-2023
  • "A Novel Comprehensive Approach to Detect Power System Events in Real Time", Divya Rishi Shrivastava, Shahbaz Ahmed Siddiqui, Kusum Verma , Reg.No. 202311055373 [Indian Patent Office, New Delhi] Filed Dt.18-08-2023

  • Best Paper for 3rd IEEE International Conference on Control, Computing, Communication and Materials (ICCCCM 2024) given by United Group of Institutions, Prayagraj Year - 2024
  • Senior Member for Contributions to IEEE given by IEEE Year - 2017
  • Best Paper Award for 12th IEEE India International Conference (INDICON 2015), Jamia Millia Islamia, New Delhi given by IEEE Delhi Section Year - 2015
  • Reviewer Recognition Award for In recognition of review made to the journal given by International Journal of Electrical Power and Energy Systems, Elsevier Year - 2015
  • Best Paper Award for International Conference on Advance Trends in Engineering & Technology (ICATET-2013) given by Arya College of Engineering & IT, Jaipur Year - 2013

SNo. Type Title Event Place Schedule
1KeynoteIntroduction to Artificial Intelligence Applications in Power SystemsTEQIP Sponsored Online STTP on AI Applications in Power Systems & Power ElectronicsGovernment Engineering College, Thrissur, KeralaDec-2022
2KeynoteWide-Area Visualization for Operational Analysis of Deregulated Power SystemsShort Term Training Program (STTP) on Sustainable Development and Recent Advances in Electrical EngineeringDepartment of Electrical Engineering, SVNIT Surat, GujaratSep-2022
3Talk Artificial Neural NetworksShort Term Course on Advanced Optimization TechniquesMNIT, JaipurOct-2018
4TalkClassification and Regression Using Artificial Neural NetworksFaculty Development Program on Advance Optimization Techniques (AOT-2017)MNIT JaipurOct-2017
5TalkArtificial Neural Networks & Support Vector MachinesShort Term Course on Advanced Optimization TechniquesMNIT, Jaipur Nov-2016
6TalkWide Area Monitoring and Control of Power SystemsShort Term Course on Smart Grid TechnologiesMNIT, JaipurNov-2015
7TalkArtificial Neural Networks & Support Vector MachinesShort Term Course on Advanced Optimization TechniquesMNIT, JaipurNov-2015
8TalkWide Area Monitoring and Control of Power SystemsShort Term Course on Trends and Challenges in Emerging Power SystemMNIT, JaipurOct-2015
9TalkMATLAB ProgrammingOne day Workshop on MATLAB Programming for Research ScholarsMNIT, JaipurSep-2015

S.No. Category Name of Activity Organization Place Position Schedule
1InternationalInternational Conference IEEE PES ISGT AsiaIEEESingaporeTechnical Session ChairMay-2018
2International8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018)MNITJaipur, IndiaTechnical Track ChairDec-2018
3International8th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics (IICPE-2018)MNITJaipur, IndiaTechnical Session ChairDec-2018
4InternationalInternational Conference (Springer) on Intelligent Computing Techniques for Smart Energy Systems (ICTSES 2018)Manipal UniversityJaipur, IndiaTechnical Session ChairDec-2018
5International8th IEEE International Conference on Power Systems (ICPS 2019)MNITJaipur, IndiaTechnical Session ChairDec-2019
6InternationalInternational Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE2021)SVNIT, SuratGujarat, IndiaProgram Committee ChairNov-2021
7International5th International Conference on Emerging Technologies: Micro to Nano (ETMN 2021)Manipal University Jaipur, India and Universite Du Quebec En Outaouais, CanadaJaipur, IndiaSession ChairOct-2021
8InternationalInternational Conference on Sustainable Technology and Advanced Computing in Electrical Engineering (ICSTACE2021)SVNIT, SuratGujarat, IndiaSession ChairNov-2021
9International3rd IEEE International Conference of Emerging Technology (INCET 2022)IEEE Bangalore SectionKarnatakaSession ChairMay-2022
10International10th IEEE India International Conference on Power Electronics, Drives and Energy Systems (PEDES 2022)MNITJaipur, IndiaSession ChairDec-2022