मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Department of Humanities and Social Sciences


Journal Publications


Conference Publications


Research Projects


PhD Research Supervised


Awards & Honours

  • Ph.D.(Economics Fellow ICSSR) from Sardar Patel Institute of Eco & Soc SciencResearch(1995)
    M.A.(Economics) from Jodhpur University, Jodhpur(1992)
    B.A.(Economics, Psychology,App Stat) from Jodhpur University, Jodhpur(1980)
    Post Doctoral (Economics ( Public Policy) ) from London School of Economics, UK (2012)
    Certified Counsellor for Study Skills (Behavioural Science ) from Promise Foundation Bangalore (2004)
    Certified Mentor and Hub Coordinator (Community Engagement in Higher Education ) from UNESCO Chair - University of Victoria, Canada and PRIA New Delhi Delhi (2018)
    MOOC Certificate (Research for Impact ) from OXFAM and University of Cap town (2020)
    Executive Education Course(Research Analysis ) from IFMR-Institute for Financial Management and Research University of Madras Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India (2009)
Research Interests

Development Economics, Public Policy, Higher Education, Gender, Technology Diffusion, Rural Economics , Engaged Scholarship .

Brief Research Profile


Professional Background
  • Professor at Malaviya National Institute of Technology, Jaipur [02 June 2018 - Present].
    Director School of Humanities and Social Sciences and Professor at Manipal University, Jaipur [01 April 2015 - 31 May 2018].
    Director at Ph.D. Program & research Projects, Symbiosis center for Research and Innovation, Symbiosis International University [16 June 2011 - 31 March 2015].
    Professor at Symbiosis Centre for Research and Innovation [01 April 2011 - 31 March 2015].
    Professor at Council of Social Development, An Autonomous Institute under the aegis of Indian Council of Social Science Research [28 February 2007 - 31 March 2011].
    Senior Lecturer(Selection Scale) at University College, Government of rajasthan [01 April 1982 - 28 February 2007].

  • Basic Economics
  • Basics to Economics
  • Introduction to Community Based Participatory Research
  • Research Methodology: Inquiry and Discovery

Academic Year Level Name Link
2020-2021UGEthics for Life https://eldalab.in/courses/ethics-for-life/

  • Srishti Saxena, Surbhi Sethi, Manju Singh, "Transforming Decision-Making in Higher Education: The Impact of AI Interventions on Blended Learning" , University News (Association of Indian Universities) Volume :61 / 12-19 / 2024 DOI: .
  • Surbhi Sethi, Manju Singh, "Zooming the EdTech Door: Evidence of Investors Behaviour from Post-Covid India" , Finance India (Indian Institute of Finance) Volume :XXXVIII-N1 / 203- 218 / 2024 DOI: www.financeindia.org
  • 2023
  • Bhatt Purva.,Singh Manju., "Partnership for Change: A Collaborative Framework for Transformative Engagement with the Communities" , Gateways: International Journal of Community Research and Engagement (UTS ePRESS) Volume :16-2 / 21 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5130/ijcre.v16i2.8512
  • Bhatt, Purva., Singh, Manju., "Industry 4.0 and Sustainability- Leveraging Community Engagement for Achieving Partnership for Common Goals" , Evergreen (Transdisciplinary Research and Education Center for Green Technologies Kyushu University) Volume :10 / 2483-2489 / 2023 DOI: https://doi.org/10.5109/7162011
  • 2022
  • Surabhi Sethi, Manju Singh , "Digital Disruption in Indian Higher Education: The new Face of Education to deal with COVID-19" , University News, November 29 - December 05,2021 (Association of Indian Universities ) Volume : 59(48) / 21 / 2022
  • Surbhi Sethi, Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "A nexus of market web traffic and investors behavior in the EdTech market: evidence of performance from US and India" , Benchmarking: An International Journal (Emerald Publishing) Volume :6 / 1 / 2022
  • 2020
  • Kamala Gollakota, James B. Pick, Manju Singh, "Does purpose of use matter? Influences on developmental use versus personal use by low-income farmers" , Information Technology for Development (Taylor and Francis) Volume :2 / -- / 2020
  • 2019
  • P Deepika, M Singh, C Sushama, "The changing dynamics of manager-subordinate relationships in organizations: An empirical study " , European Business Review (Emerald ) Volume :31 (2) / 218-231 / 2019
  • 2018
  • Bhavna Pandey, Prabir Bandyopadhyay, Sanjeev Kadam, Manju Singh, "Bibliometric study on relationship of agricultural credit with farmer distress" , Management of Environmental Quality: An International Journal (Emerald ) Volume :29.2 / 278-288 / 2018
  • B Meenali, M Singh, B Arora, "Managing Community University Engagement with Information Technology" , The Stances of e-Government Policies, Processes and Technologies (Routledge) Volume :1 / 61-66 / 2018
  • G Praksah, M Singh, "Burning the Lines: Visual Journalism " , A Handbook of Journalism Media in the Information Age (Sage Publications) Volume :12 / 1 / 2018
  • Minali Banerjee, Manju Singh, "Is Higher Education A Potential Means of Promoting Labour Mobility?" , International Journal of Emerging Multidisciplinary Research (The Academic Society of Convergence Science Inc.) Volume :2.1 / 27-31 / 2018
  • 2017
  • Pareek, P., Singh, M., "Generating New Venture Ideas: The Use of Consiouseness of Abstracting in Entrepreneurship Education " , Entrepreneurship Education (Springer) Volume :1 / 1 / 2017
  • Uppaal, K., Singh, M., "A Brand Called YOU: The Essence of Managing Your Image as an Entrepreneur." , Entrepreneurship Education (Springer) Volume :12 / 135148 / 2017
  • P Pareek, M Singh, "Code mixing as a socio-psychological advertising strategy in the era of glocalization" , Indian Journal of Marketing (Indian Journal of Marketing ) Volume :47 (1) / 41-53 / 2017
  • S Mundra, M Singh, "Inter-linkages between human development and economic growth: a sustainable development analysis across Indian states" , International Journal of Indian Culture and Business Management (Inderscience Publishing ) Volume :15 (2) / 183-205 / 2017
  • 2016
  • Pradhan Seema, Kumar Ajith, Singh Manju, "Effect of Vipassana Meditation on Mindfulness and Life Satisfaction of Employees " , International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management (International Journal of Research in Commerce and Management ) Volume :7 / 11-16 / 2016
  • Shibin K.T., Angappa Gunasekaran, Thanos Papadopoulos, Rameshwar Dubey, Manju Singh, Samuel Fosso Wamba, "Enablers and Barriers of Flexible Green Supply Chain Management: A Total Interpretive Structural Modeling Approach" , Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management (Global Journal of Flexible Systems Management) Volume :17.2 / 1-18 / 2016
  • K Uppaal, M Singh, "Exploring the Dimensions of Image Management using Interpretative Structural Modelling and MICMAC Analysis " , International Journal of Business Innovation and Research (Inderscience Publishing ) Volume :11 (2) / 228-251 / 2016
  • Abhishek Behl , Manju Singh, V G Venkatesh, "Enablers and Barriers of Mobile Banking Opportunities in Rural India: A Strategic Analysis" , International Journal of Business (Premier Publishing) Volume :20 / 209-239 / 2016
  • M Singh, A Bhel, "Environment Sound Technologies: Exploring and Modeling Barriers using modified UTAUT Model, Special Issue on: "Sustainable Business Development in India." , International Journal of Process Management and Benchmarking (Inderscience) Volume :6 (4) / 424-446 / 2016
  • 2014
  • Sheetal Mundra, Manju Singh, "The impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Growth Determinants: Indian Perspective. " , Journal of Management Review (Assam University ) Volume :1 / 1 / 2014
  • Pallavi Tak, Manju Singh, "An Integrated Urban sustainability indicator mix- Practicability and Implications. " , Journal of Management Review (Assam University ) Volume :1 (1) / 51-59 / 2014
  • Abhishek Behl, Manju Singh, "Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies: Identifying the Hierarchy and Interdependence of Barriers" , Journal of General Management Research (Bloomsbury India Publication) Volume :1 (1) / 77-90 / 2014
  • Pallavi Tak, Manju Singh , "An Integrated Urban sustainability indicator mix- Practicability and Implications.1" , Assam University Journal of Management Review (Assam University ) Volume :1/1 / 55-59 / 2014
  • Behl Abhishek, Singh Manju, "Critical analysis of management information system of selected Indian microfinance institutions. " , Procedia - Social and Behavioral Sciences (Elsevier) Volume :133 / 20-27 / 2014
  • A Behl, M Singh, "Mapping Infrastructure Using Geomatics Model in Mgnrega in India " , International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives (Index Copernicus International) Volume :2 (4) / 695-700 / 2014
  • 2013
  • M Singh, A Behl, "REACHING OUT TO CUSTOMERS: A STUDY OF CALL CENTERS IN INDIAN Micro Finance Institutes" , a (a) Volume :1 / 1 / 2013
  • Manju Singh, " The Research Teaching Nexus: An Innovation for Strengthening Research in India" , SSRN (SSRN) Volume :1 / 1 / 2013
  • Abhishek Behl, Manju Singh, "Employee Satisfaction of call Centres Engaged in Financial Inclusion In Hyderabad: Empirical Study" , Indian Journal of Social Science Research (Indian Journal of Social Science Research) Volume :1 (2) / 23-43 / 2013
  • Pick, J. B. Gollakota, K Singh, M, "Technology for Development: Understanding Influences on use of Rural Tele centers in India" , Information Technology for Development (Taylor & Francis) Volume :19 / 1-19 / 2013
  • S Mundra, M Mundra, M Singh, "A Review of the Impact of Foreign Direct Investment on Indian Retailing " , International Journal of Science: Basic and Applied Research (International Journal of Science) Volume :10 / 1 / 2013
  • Abhishek Bhel, Manju Singh, "Mapping Infrastructure Using Geomatics Model In MGNREGA In India" , International Journal of Trade & Global Business Perspectives (Pezzotaite Publication India) Volume :2 (4) / 695-700 / 2013
  • 2012
  • Sheetal Mundra, Manju Singh, "Redefining the Economic Status of Women in Developing Nations: Gender Perspective" , International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications (International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications) Volume :2 (12) / 1 / 2012
  • 2011
  • Book chapter Ed Mridula Sahay, Manju Singh, RK Mishra, "Learning Research: An Innovation beyond the Class Room in Higher Education, Imperatives for Quality Education" , Macmillan Publishers India Limited (Macmillan Publishers India Limited) Volume :1 / 1 / 2011
  • RK Mishra , Singh Manju, Jayshree Ravinderan, "Towards Shaping Lives: Empowering Women Through ICT Capacity Building, Millennium Development Goals and India- The Indian Journey" , Allied Publishers Pvt Limited (Allied Publishers Pvt Limited) Volume :1 / 1 / 2011
  • 2010
  • Manju Singh, "Empowering Women: Gaps in Technology Diffusion " , Social Change (SAGE publications) Volume :40 / 1 / 2010
  • Manju Singh, "Evaluation Study on Mid Day Meal Programme in Meghalaya" , Council for social development southern regional centre, Rajendranagar (Council of Social Development) Volume :1 / 1 / 2010
  • 2009
  • Mundra, S, Singh, M, "Identifying Caste Link in Economic Contribution and Status of Women" , Indian Journal of Millennium Development Studies (Serial Publication New Delhi) Volume :4 (1) / 1 / 2009
  • 2008
  • Manju Singh, "Understanding Peoples Vulnerability and Drought" , Indian Journal of Millennium Development Studies (Serial Publication New Delhi) Volume :3 (3) / 1 / 2008
  • Manju Singh, "Rethinking Women Development: The Caste Dimension" , The Journal of Business and Economic Studies (KNG Educational Society Allahabad) Volume :2 (1) / 1 / 2008
  • 2006
  • Manju Singh, "Understanding Entrepreneurship and Gender" , Journal of Entrepreneurship (MNIT J) Volume :2 / 1 / 2006
  • Book chapter Inakshi Chaturvedi, Manju Singh, "The Gender Perspective of Environmental Management, Human Development and Globalization " , Deep and Deep Publication (Deep and Deep Publication) Volume :1 / 1 / 2006
  • 2004
  • Manju Singh, "Towards a Sustainable Future" , The Economic Challenger (The Economic Challenger) Volume :6 / 1 / 2004
  • 2002
  • Manju Singh, "Bridging the gap, Beyond The Margin" , ERC Trust (ERC Trust ) Volume :1 / 1 / 2002
  • Manju Singh, "Government Interventions: Towards increasing capabilities of Women," , The Economic Challenger (The Economic Challenger) Volume :4 (15) / 1 / 2002
  • 2001
  • Manju Singh, "Deception Of Socio-Economic Indicators " , The Choudhray Charan Singh University Journal (The Choudhray Charan Singh University ) Volume :4 (1) / 1 / 2001
  • 1999
  • Manju Singh, "Towards Building a better Society, Man & Development" , CRRID (CRRID) Volume :12 / 1 / 1999

  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blended Learning Environment: Effects on Learning Outcome and Implications for Change in Post COVID India" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Manju Singh, "Chair Person for the Technical Session VI: Economic Emergence: The Post-Pandemic Era on 19 February 2022" , Multi-Disciplinary International Conference on Emerging New World Order in the Post-Pandemic Scenario by :ICSSR DST and CSI at Jaipur / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Manju Singh, "Panelist" , International Conference in Association With the National Taipei University of Business, Taiwan International Conference on Contemporary Issues and C by :School of Management Under University of Engineering and Management, Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Towards Engaged Academia: Contextualizing Community Engagement in the Indian Higher Education Campuses" , 2nd Pan NIT HSS International Conference on Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring (ICRTGR 2022) by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Mehak Sharma and Manju Singh, "Digital Financial Inclusion in the Era of COVID-19" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Evaluating the Effectiveness of Blended Learning Environment Effects on Learning Outcome and Implications for Change in Post COVID India" , Sustainable Future: Innovations in Education by :J K Laxmipat University at Jaipur / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Towards Engaged Scholarship: Remaining Knowledge Creation for a Post Pandemic World" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • Srishti Saxena, Manju Singh, "An Assessment of Return and Reintegration Program for Labour Migrants in India" , National Conference on Many Facets of COVID-19 Pandemic by :Council of Social Development, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2022 ISBN: .
  • 2021
  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Preparing for the Digital Education: A Review of the Educational Policy Response to COVID-19" , International Conference on Best Innovative Teaching Practices, BITS Pilani by :BITS Pilani at BITS Pilani / - / 2021 ISBN: .
  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Technology-Enabled Blended Learning: A Watershed for Educational Transformation in Post-COVID World" , International Conference on Sustainability and Equity, Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Orissa by :Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology Orissa at Orrissa / - / 2021 ISBN: .
  • 2020
  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Zooming the EdTech Door in Post-COVID World: A Behavioral Shift of the Investor" , International Conference on Behavioral Finance, IPE Hyderabad by :Institute of Public Enterprise at Hyderabad / - / 2020 ISBN: .
  • Purva Bhatt and Manju Singh, "Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science Take" , 2nd GUNi International Conference on SDGs: Higher Education & Science Take Action. Summary Report by :Global University Network for Innovation at Barcelona, Spain / - / 2020 ISBN: .
  • Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh, "Democratization of Higher Education: Leveraging Technology-Enabled Blended Learning in Post-COVID India" , National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals, MNIT Jaipur by :MNIT Jaipur at Jaipur / - / 2020 ISBN: .
  • 2017
  • Manju Singh, "Key Note Speaker" , International Conference on Globalization by :Devi Ahilya Vishva Vidyalaya, Indore. at Indore / - / 2017 ISBN: .
  • 2016
  • Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , 12 International Cooperative Alliance, Research Conference, New Delhi. by :International Cooperative Alliance - Asia & Pacific at Delhi / - / 2016 ISBN: .
  • Manju Singh, "Panel Speaker" , 4th International Conference on Growth, Globalization and Governance by :JK Lakshmipat University at Jaipur / - / 2016 ISBN: .
  • 2015
  • Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , 3rd International Conference on Emerging Trends in the Global Financial Landscape- Approaches, Challenges and Opportunities by :SCMS Pune at Pune / - / 2015 ISBN: .
  • 2014
  • Manju Singh, "Session Chair" , International Conference "Creating Opportunities in Emerging Markets- a Global Approach", by :SCMS Noida at Noida / - / 2014 ISBN: .
  • 2012
  • Manju Singh, ""Learning Research: An Innovation Beyond the Class Room in Higher Education" , LSE Teaching Day 2012 by :London School of Economics and Political Science at London / - / 2012 ISBN: .
  • 2008
  • Manju Singh, "National Agenda Problems and Solution" , National Conference on National Agenda Problems and Solution by :National Centre for Science and Communicators and Vidyan Prasar at ICT, Hyderabad at Hyderabad / - / 2008 ISBN: .
  • Manju Singh, "Participant Member" , Second International Meeting of the Global Network of Government Innovators by :Ash Institute for Democratic Governance and Innovation,Harvard University Kennedy School, US at Massachusetts, US / - / 2008 ISBN: .

  • Reference Book, "Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, and Management, IGI Global." ISBN:. published by - IGI Global Year: 2015 authors- Manju Singh, Member, Editorial Advisory Board
  • Reference Book, "Community Engagement in Higher Education From Theory to Practice" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group, LONDON AND NEW YORK Year: 2023 authors- Manju Singh,Purva Bhatt, Wafa Singh and Kumar Sambhav Pareek
  • Reference Book, "Campus Diversity Initiative" ISBN:0000 published by - Savitri College, Ajmer Year: 1996 authors- Contributed as Editor
  • Reference Book, "Festivals of India (edited)" ISBN:0000 published by - Savitri College, Ajmer (Rajasthan) Year: 1996 authors- Contributed as Editor
  • Reference Book, "Campus Diversity Initiative, Annual Report" ISBN:0000 published by - Savitri College, Ajmer (Rajasthan) Year: 1995 authors- Contributed as Editor
  • Reference Book, "Towards New Cultural Horizon, A study of Campus Diversity Initiative, a programme of human skill development " ISBN:00000 published by - Savitri College, Ajmer (Rajasthan) Year: 1995 authors- Contributed as Editor
  • Reference Book, "Annual Research Journal " ISBN:00000 published by - Symbiosis Centre for Management Studies, Pune Year: 2018 authors- Contributed as Member of Advisory Board
  • Reference Book, "Resilience and Transformation for Global Restructuring " ISBN:978-1-871891-59-1 published by - Ethics International Press Ltd, UK Year: 2022 authors- Editors: Manju Singh, Nupur Tandon, Vidya Potdar and Preeti Bhat
  • Text Book, "Text Book of Economics Prarmbhik Aarthik Avadharnain, (Class XI) " ISBN:00000 published by - Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Year: 2005 authors- Contributed as Co-Author
  • Text Book, "Text book of Social Science, Class X" ISBN:0000 published by - Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Year: 2005 authors- Contributed as Co-Author
  • Text Book, "Text Book Economy of Rajasthan Class XI" ISBN:0000 published by - Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Year: 2005 authors- Contributed as Co-Author (Translator)
  • Text Book, "Text book of Social Science, Class X" ISBN:0000 published by - Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Year: 2004 authors- Contributed as Co-Author
  • Text Book, "Text Book of Social Science, Class IX" ISBN:0000 published by - Board of Secondary Education, Rajasthan Year: 2002 authors- Contributed as Co-Author

  • Book Chapter, ""Blurring the Lines: Visual Journalism" - A Handbook of Journalism" ISBN:00000 published by - SAGE India Year: 2017 authors- Gagan Prakash, Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Managing Community University Engagement with Information Technology. The Stances of e-Government: Policies, Processes and Technologies." ISBN:0000 published by - CRC Press Year: 2016 authors- Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Historical Development and Goals of Social Protection Policy in India" ISBN:0000 published by - China Year: 2015 authors- Co-authored with Ruth Kattumuri, Social Security Studies, CSSCI 2015, China pp24-38 (translation in Chinese)
  • Book Chapter, "Generating New Venture Ideas: The use of consciousness of Abstracting in Entrepreneurship Education" ISBN:0000 published by - Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd Year: 2016 authors- Co authored with Priyanka Pareek chapter in the book Entrepreneurship Education: Experiments with Curriculum, Pedagogy and Target Groups” edited by Dr. Mathew J Manimala and Dr. Princy Thomas
  • Book Chapter, "A Brand called “You”: An Essence of managing your image as an Entrepreneur" ISBN:0000 published by - Springer Nature Singapore Pte Ltd Year: 2016 authors- co author with Kuljiet Uppal , Book Chapter in Entrepreneurship Education: Experiments with Curriculum, Pedagogy and Target Groups” edited by Dr. Mathew J Manimala and Dr. Princy Thomas
  • Book Chapter, "Integrated Framework for Governance of cooperatives: An Interpretative Structural Modelling approach" ISBN:978-93-85456-11-4 published by - Vankuth Mehta National Institute of Cooperative Management Year: 2016 authors- Manju Singh, Abhishek Behl in Governance of Cooperatives: Issues and Challenges (Ed)
  • Book Chapter, "Historical developments and goals of social protection policies in India" ISBN:9781953952 published by - Edward Elgar Publishing UK Year: 2013 authors- Co author ‘Social Protection, Economic Growth and Social Change: Goals, Issues and Trajectories in China, India, Brazil and South Africa” (Edited), James Midgley and David Piachaud, University of Cali
  • Book Chapter, "Bridging the Gaps Between Teaching and Research: An experiment for Scaling Up of Research Skill in India" ISBN:1-889754-18-8 published by - International Academy of Business Disciplines, Atlanta USA Year: 2013 authors- Singh Manju and Singh Mohika, The Importance of Research to the Global Community, Business Research Year Book Volume XX2013 Number 2,(368-374)
  • Book Chapter, "Learning Research: An Innovation beyond the Class Room in Higher Education, Imperatives for Quality Education" ISBN:978-9350-59004-1 published by - Macmillan Publishers India Limited Year: 2011 authors- Ed Mridula Sahay and RK Mishra
  • Book Chapter, "Nehru Vision: Strengthening Science for Benefiting People" ISBN:978-81-8450-279-4 published by - India Year: 2010 authors- Ed Aparna Bhardwaj, Anil Thakur - Nehru Vision to Empower Indian Economy
  • Book Chapter, "Towards Shaping Lives: Empowering Women Through ICT Capacity Building, Millennium Development Goals and India- The Indian Journey" ISBN:978-81-8424-664-3 published by - Allied Publishers Pvt Limited, New Delhi Year: 2011 authors- Ed RK Mishra and Jayshree Ravinderan
  • Book Chapter, "Regional Rural banks: Resolving Credit problems of Weaker sections" ISBN:978-81-908492-7-2 published by - Dominant Publishers and Distributors Pvt Limited, New Delhi Year: 2010 authors- co author Dr Teena Shivnanai, Rural Development and Regional Rural Banks, edited by Meenu Agarwal
  • Book Chapter, "Entrepreneurship Skill Development for Inclusive Growth, Rethinking India’s Growth Strategy: Services Vs Manufacturing”" ISBN:0000 published by - Concept Publication Year: 2008 authors- Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Interlinking of Indian Rivers: A Big Dream of a Little Logic" ISBN:81-7629-959-6 published by - Deep and Deep Year: 2007 authors- published in the book “Interlinking of Rivers in India: Costs and Benefits” edited by Anil Kumar Thakur and Pushpa Kumari
  • Book Chapter, "Social Capital Creation by Higher Education Institutions: Fostering Partnerships for Common Goals in the Book SOCIAL CAPITAL ISSUES, CHALLENGES AND PERSPECTIVES" ISBN:978-1-53619-622-1 published by - NOVA Science Publishers New York Year: 2021 authors- Manju Singh, Wafa Singh and Purva Bhatt
  • Book Chapter, "Democratization of Higher Education: Leveraging Technology-Enabled Blended Learning in Post-COVID India in the Multidisciplinary Approach to Sustainable Development Goals Some Issues and Reflections" ISBN:B09BK3HYJR published by - Amazon Kindle Edition Year: 2021 authors- Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, " Preparing for the Digital Education: A Review of the Educational Policy Response to Covid-19 in Macmillan Education." ISBN:. published by - Macmillian Education Year: 2021 authors- Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Inclusive Design for Higher Education Institutions:Connecting Web Content Accessibility Guidelines and Universal Design for Technology- Enabled Blended Learning" ISBN:978-1-871891-59-1 published by - ETHICS INTERNATIONAL PRESS Ltd, UK. Year: 2022 authors- Surbhi Sethi, Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Community Engagement in Higher Education: An Introduction" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group London and New York Year: 2023 authors- MANJU SINGH, PURVA BHATT, WAFA SINGH AND KUMAR SAMBHAV PAREEK
  • Book Chapter, "Decoloniality, Community Engaged Scholarship and Epistemic Justice" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge Taylor and Francis Group Year: 2023 authors- PURVA BHATT AND MANJU SINGH
  • Book Chapter, "Community Engagement in Higher Education Institutions: Critical Enablers" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK Year: 2023 authors- WAFA SINGH AND MANJU SINGH
  • Book Chapter, "Community Engagement in the Indian Higher Education Landscape" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK Year: 2023 authors- PURVA BHATT, WAFA SINGH, MANJU SINGH AND KUMAR SAMBHAV PAREEK
  • Book Chapter, "Community Engagement in Higher Education: Weaving the Threads and Future Direction" ISBN:978-1-032-19577-3 published by - Routledge Taylor & Francis Group LONDON AND NEW YORK Year: 2023 authors- WAFA SINGH, PURVA BHATT, MANJU SINGH, KUMAR SAMBHAV PAREEK
  • Book Chapter, "The Black Swan: The Impact of Technology-Enabled Blended Learning in Higher Education in Post-Covid India" ISBN:979-8-89113-327-3 published by - NOVA Science Publishers New York Year: 2024 authors- Surbhi Sethi and Manju Singh
  • Book Chapter, "Smart Learning Environment: An Investigation to barrier to technology enabled blended learning in higher Education " ISBN:9781032916835(pbk)9781003564(e published by - Taylor and Francis Year: 2024 authors- Surbhi Sethi, Srishti Saxena and Manju Singh

Level Area of Assignment Organization Designation/Assignment Duration
NationalResearch CollaborationInstitute of Development Studies, JaipurExpert for Research Advisory Committee, project on "A Study of Transgender Population in Rajasthan"[03 May 2024 - 02 May 2025]
NationalResearch CollaborationInstitute of Development Studies, JaipurExpert for Research Advisory Committee, project on "Jail Reforms in Rajasthan: A Data-informed Policy Document for Jail Reforms"[03 May 2024 - 02 May 2025]
NationalAcademic WorkRajasthan UniversityExternal Subject Expert in DRC, Department of Economics[15 Dec 2023 - 15 Dec 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkIIMA - Reserve Bank Innovation Hub (RBIH)Mentor for Swanari TechSprint 2023[04 Oct 2023 - 12 Oct 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkKIIT, BhubaneswarExaminer of the thesis, Impact of Self-help Groups on Women Empowerment in Odisha (Pratyuesha Behera)[22 Jul 2023 - 12 Aug 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkAICTEExpert nominee in BOG of Shanti Business School, Ahmedabad[21 Jul 2023 - 30 Jun 2025]
NationalAcademic WorkNIT HamirpurMember, Selection Committee for recruitment of various faculty positions in DoHSS and DoM[12 Jul 2023 - 16 Jul 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkUniversity of LadakhVisiting Professor[16 May 2023 - 15 May 2024]
NationalAcademic WorkBabasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, LucknowExternal Examiner for conducting the Viva-Voce Examination of Ms Saumya Chandel, DoRM for award of PhD Degree.[28 Apr 2023 - 31 May 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkBabasaheb Bhimrao Ambedkar University, LucknowEvaluation of PhD Thesis of Ms. Saumya Chandel [01 Mar 2023 - 31 Mar 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkExpert Nominee of the Senate for selection of the Faculty Positions at the National Institute of Technology, SrinagarMember of Expert Committee, National Institute of Technology, Srinagar[01 Nov 2022 - 31 Dec 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkMember, UGC constituted Expert Committee to assess and verify information of Off-campus center, NITTE Village, Udupi, Karnataka (Mangalore), UGC, New DelhiUGC Committee Members [01 Oct 2022 - 31 Oct 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkMember of the Expert Committee, On-the-spot inspection of Khalsa College for Women, G.T. Road, Amritsar affiliated to Guru Nanak dev universityUGC Committee Members [01 Jun 2022 - 31 May 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkMember of the expert committee, On-the-spot inspection of Arya Vidyapeeth College, Gopinath Nagar, P.O. Rehabari Guwahati, Assam, affiliated to Guwahati University, Assam.UGC Committee Members [01 Jun 2022 - 31 May 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkUniversity of LadakhVisiting Professor, Economics (Research & Teaching)[01 Apr 2022 - 31 Mar 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkSubject Expert, Screening cum Evaluation Committee, Engineering College Bharatpur Rajasthan Technical University, KotaMember of Expert Committee[12 Jan 2022 - 31 Jan 2023]
NationalAcademic WorkUPANAYAN: A 5 days induction Programme for First year BTech Students, IIIT KotaProgram Coordinator and Expert[01 Jan 2022 - 04 Jan 2022]
InternationalAcademic Work19th Asia TEFL International Conference being held at the holy and historical land (online) MathuraMember organizing Committee[03 Dec 2021 - 05 Dec 2021]
NationalAcademic WorkMember, Board of Studies, Department of Applied Science, University College of Engineering, BanswaraMember of Expert Committee, Higher Education Department, Government of Rajasthan[02 Dec 2021 - 02 Dec 2022]
NationalAcademic WorkSelection Committee (Research Staff) RUSA 2.0 Programme Project entitled "Evaluation study on schedule castes sub-plan (SCSP) and Tribal sub-plan (T.S.P.) coMember of the selection committee[01 Dec 2021 - 31 Dec 2021]
NationalAcademic WorkMember, UGC constituted Expert Committee for On-the-Spot Inspection of Wilson College, Girgaon Chowpatty, Mumbai for autonomous status, UGC, New DelhiUGC Committee Members [01 Sep 2021 - 31 Aug 2022]
NationalAcademic WorkShri Vaishnav Vidyapeeth Vishwavidyalaya, IndoreSubject Matter Expert, Search Committee[10 Aug 2021 - 11 Aug 2021]
NationalAcademic WorkExpert to review of project proposal, Projected research plan for Institute of eminence, University of HyderabadExpert[01 Jul 2021 - 31 Jul 2021]
NationalAcademic WorkSavitribai Phule Pune University Postdoctoral Fellowship (SPPU-PDF) Program.Referee[01 Jul 2021 - 31 Jul 2021]
InternationalAcademic WorkMember - External Advisory Committee, First Pan-NIT Humanities and Social Sciences Research Conclave (HSSRC), Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Member - External Advisory Committee[08 Jan 2021 - 10 Jan 2021]
NationalResearch CollaborationExpert, Scheme for Trans-Disciplinary Research for Indias Developing Economy (STRIDE), Proposal Evaluation meetingUGC Committee Members [04 Nov 2018 - 12 Nov 2019]
InternationalAcademic WorkKnowledge for Change UNESCO Chair for Community-based Participatory Research, University of Victoria and PRIA New DelhiHub Coordinator and Supervisor[01 Apr 2017 - 31 Mar 2018]

Level Type Organization Department Involved Month-Year
NationalTeaching and ResearchPRIA international Academy HSSAug-2019

  • International level Conference on International Conference on Sustainable Future: Innovation in Education at JKLU Jaipur , Jaipur, India from 25-02-2022 to 26-02-2022
  • International level Conference on PAN NIT ICRTGR 2022 at MNIT Jaipur Hybrid , Jaipur , India from 07-01-2022 to 09-01-2022
  • International level Conference on 19th Asia TEFL International Conference at GLA University, Mathura, India from 03-12-2021 to 05-12-2021
  • National level Workshop on Curriculum Development Workshop Master of Public Policy and Development at MNIT Jaipur on line , Jaipur, India from 22-01-2021 to 22-01-2021
  • National level Conference on First Pan-NIT Humanities and Social Sciences Research Conclave (HSSRC) at NIT Warangal, Warangal , India from 08-01-2021 to 10-01-2021
  • National level Workshop on Basic Writing Skills for Workplace at MNIT , Jaipur, India from 19-12-2020 to 23-12-2020
  • National level Workshop on Ablity Enhancement Workshop for Students 2020 (online) at MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 02-11-2020 to 10-11-2020
  • National level Seminar on Reinventing Gandhi and his Thoughts in Contemporary India and Abroad at MNIT Jaipur (Online Webinar), Jaipur, India from 02-10-2020 to 02-10-2020
  • National level Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards Quality Education (G:4), Gender Equality (G:5), Affordable and Clean Energy (G:7) in India at MNIT Jaipur and NIT Uttarakhand (Online), Jaipur, India from 10-09-2020 to 11-09-2020
  • National level Workshop on Basic Writing Skills for Workplace at MNIT Jaipur (Online), Jaipur, India from 09-09-2020 to 15-09-2020

  • National level Seminar on State Level Stakeholder Consultation on Policy Governance and Participatory Groundwater Management: Learnings from Atal Bhujal Yojana and MGNREGS at International Water Management Institute (IWMI), the Centre for MicroFinance (CmF), and PEDO, Jaipur, India from 21-05-2024 to 21-05-2024
  • National level FDP on Research Methodology Course for PDF/Ph.D./M.Phil. Scholars. Contributed as Key Resource Person at MP institute of social science research, sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research,, Indore, India from 25-03-2022 to 28-03-2022
  • National level Conference on "Many Facets of Covid-19 Pandemic". Contributed as Session Speaker at Council of Social Development, Hyderabad, India from 01-03-2022 to 03-03-2022
  • National level Conference on "Many Facets of Covid-19 Pandemic". Contributed as Session Chair at Council of Social Development, Hyderabad, India from 01-03-2022 to 03-03-2022
  • National level FDP on AICTE sponsored F.D.P. on "Universal Design Approach for Built Environment" under the ATAL Academy at Department of Architecture and Planning, MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 20-10-2021 to 20-10-2021
  • International level Seminar on International Webinar on "N.E.P. 2020: Implications, Challenges and Paradigm Shift in Humanities and Social Sciences Education". Talk on "Engaged Scholarship for Social Transformation..." at Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Warangal, Warangal, India from 22-09-2021 to 22-09-2021
  • National level FDP on Faculty Induction Programme. Session Expert on Talk entitled "Ensuring Applied Research." at Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur,, Jaipur,, India from 09-09-2021 to 09-09-2021
  • National level STTP on Online Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members at Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), Ujjain, India from 20-07-2021 to 20-07-2021
  • National level FDP on Faculty Induction Programme (Guru Dakshata). Talk entitled "Understanding Different Research Perspective." at UGC-HRDC, Devi Ahilya University, Indore, Indore, India from 14-07-2021 to 14-07-2021
  • National level Symposia on national Level consultations on Regulatory System of Higher Education. Contributed as Resource Person at Jointly organized by the ministry of education and U.G.C., Delhi, India from 23-06-2021 to 23-06-2021
  • National level Workshop on Faculty Induction Programme at Vivekananda Global University, Jaipur, India from 16-06-2021 to 18-06-2021
  • National level FDP on Executive Development Program on Writing a Research Proposal. Keynote Speaker on Talk entitled Selection of Topic for Research Proposal and Literature Review at Department of Fine Arts (Applied Arts), Manipal University Jaipur, Jaipur , Rajasthan from 11-05-2021 to 11-05-2021
  • National level Symposia on International Women Day celebration at Atomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, Western Region, Jaipur, India from 08-03-2021 to 08-03-2021
  • National level Workshop on Basic Writing Skills for Workplace. Contributed as Co-ordinator at MNIT Jaipur, Jaipur, India from 09-09-2020 to 15-09-2020
  • National level FDP on "Nurturing Morals, Work Ethics & Accountability for Technical Teachers" ass Resource Person at Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, Vijayawada, India from 19-08-2020 to 19-08-2020
  • National level Workshop on National Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur , India from 16-12-2019 to 21-12-2019
  • National level FDP on Refresher Course in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges . As Resource Person at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India from 18-11-2019 to 30-11-2019
  • National level STTP on Refresher Course in Social Sciences - Engaged Scholarship for Social Transformation at University of Rajasthan, Jaipur, India from 30-09-2019 to 12-10-2019
  • National level Workshop on National Research workshop. Contributed as Resource Person at MPISSR, Ujjain., India from 14-02-2017 to 15-02-2017
  • International level Conference on Third International Conference Emerging Trends in The Global Financial Landscape SCMS at Symbiosis International University, Pune, India from 19-06-2015 to 24-06-2015
  • National level Seminar on Art of writing a successful Research Thesis . Contributed as Resource Person at Management Development Centre, Larsen &Turbo, Lonavala, Lonavala, India from 18-06-2014 to 18-06-2014
  • National level Workshop on Writing Research report. Contributed as Resource Person at BMHRC, Bhopal, India from 01-04-2014 to 04-04-2014
  • National level Workshop on Research Workshop ,SSLA at Symbiosis School for Liberal Arts, Pune, India from 03-12-2013 to 03-12-2013
  • National level Workshop on Formulating Research questions and Writing Reports. Contributed as Resource Person at DAVV, Indore, Indore, India from 21-10-2013 to 25-10-2013
  • National level FDP on Formulating Research questions as Resource Person at SCMS, Pune, India from 16-10-2013 to 19-10-2013
  • National level FDP on Linking Teaching and research as Resource Person at SCMS Pune., Pune, India from 17-09-2013 to 24-10-2013
  • National level Workshop on Writing Research Proposals as Resource Person at Symbiosis School of Economics, SIU, Pune, Pune, India from 24-10-2012 to 30-10-2012
  • National level STTP on Evaluation of Rural Telephony under Bharat Nirman: Research Methodology. Contributed as Resource Person at Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh, India from 14-12-2011 to 21-12-2011
  • International level Short Term Course on S.H.G. and Women Empowerment". Contributed as Resource Person at National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad., Hyderabad, India from 29-11-2011 to 09-12-2011
  • National level STTP on "Tips of Report Writing", course on "Research Methodology for Rural Development Professionals" as Resource Person at NIRD, Hyderabad, India from 21-11-2011 to 27-11-2011
  • National level FDP on "Formulation of Research Questions and Hypothesis Testing ", course on "Research Methodology for Rural Development Professionals (RMRDP)" at NIRD, Hyderabad, India from 18-10-2011 to 28-10-2011
  • International level Seminar on VAWIP (Violence Against Women in Politics) Advisory Group Meeting at South Asia Partnership- International (Nepal), Nepal, Nepal from 24-06-2010 to 25-06-2010

  • Life Member of IEEE
  • Life Member of Indian Society for Training and Development ISTD
  • Life Member of Indian Economic Association
  • Life Member of Rajasthan Economic Association
  • Life Member of Indian Society of Labour Economics

  • Wafa Singh on Towards the conceptualization and institutionalization of community engagement in India: An exploratory study at Indian Higher Education Institutions Year - 2024
  • Surbhi Sethi (MNIT Jaipur) on Technology Enabled Blended Learning: The Changing Canvas of Higher Education in Post COVID India Year - 2023
  • Minali Banerjee on Dynamics of Community University Engagement: A Study of Institutes of Higher Education (IHEs) in India Year - 2022
  • Priyanka Pareek (Symbiosis International Univ) on Analysis of Code Mixing of Hindi and English in Print Advertisements in Hindi Newspaper Year - 2021
  • Bhavna Pandey (Symbiosis International,Deemed to b on Exploring the Linkage of the sources of credit in creating Extreme Farmer Distress in India Year - 2019
  • Shirish Jeble Symbiosis International,Deemed to be on Big Data: Influence on Understanding of Sustainable Business development in Automobile Industry Year - 2018
  • Kuiljeit Uppal , Symbiosis International,Deemed to on “Ushering Change: Making Higher Education More Beneficial for Students in India Through Image Management” Year - 2017
  • Deepika Pandita (Symbiosis International,Deemed to on A Study of Talent Management practices and their engagement with respect to Selected IT Companies Year - 2017
  • Anupama Munshi (Symbiosis International,Deemed to on An Assessment of the Transition in Employment Policies of Indian Army towards Gender Inclusion Year - 2017
  • Shibin KT (Symbiosis International,Deemed to be Un on “Design and Development of Supply Chain Model Wrt Indian Auto Component Manufacturer” Year - 2017
  • Raji Ajwani (Symbiosis International,Deemed to be on “Role of Microfinance in Women Empowerment: A Comparative Study of Rural and Urban Groups” Year - 2016
  • Pallavi Tak (Symbiosis International,Deemed to be on Integrated Townships as a Means for Sustainable Urban Development Year - 2016
  • Gagan Prakash (Symbiosis International,Deemed to b on “Journalistic Ethics in Media Coverage: A Case Study of the Uttarakhand Disaster” Year - 2016
  • Abhishek Behl -Symbiosis International,Deemed to b on “ICT Adoption: Building Financially Inclusive Sector in Rural India” Year - 2015
  • Tina Soni (MDSU, Ajmer ) on “Relevance of Ancient Indian Economic Thoughts in the Present Economic System of India (With Special Reference to Kautilya)” Year - 2011
  • Anoop Kumar Atria (MDSU, Ajmer) on “Drought and Vulnerability of People in Rajasthan” Year - 2007
  • Archana Joshi (MDSU, Ajmer) on “Rural Women at Work: Trend and Quality of Life” Year - 2005
  • Sheetal Bhandari (MDSU) on “Women Development : Economic Status of Women and Caste” Year - 2005
  • Divya Singhal (MDSU, Ajmer) on “Human Development in Rajasthan: The Education Challenge” Year - 2005
  • Ongoing
  • Labhisha Meena on yet to be deicided Year - 2024
  • Sheweta Gwalani on Yet to be decided Year - 2024
  • Vartika Bothra on Yet to de decided Year - 2024
  • Nidhi Taparia on Yet to approve Year - 2023
  • Srishti Saxena on Indemnifying Farmer's Income against Production Risk: Multivariate Analysis of Humanitarian System Year - 2021
  • Mehak Sharma on Delineating Digital Financial Inclusion through Digital Social Innovation Year - 2021
  • Purva Bhatt (MNIT Jaipur) on Democratization of Technological Knowledge: Connecting Campus with Community Year - 2019

Title Total Outlay
(In Lacs)
Year Funding Agency Role
Engaged Scholarship An Approach for Responsible Technical Higher Education4.002019-2020TEQIP IIIPI
Transfer of Environmentally Sound Technologies: Understanding Barriers in Rural Areas1.502013-2015Symbiosis International University, PunePI
Evaluation study of Rural Telephony on behalf of Programme Evaluation Organisation37.802009-2011Planning Commission, Govt of India, New DelhiPI
Evaluation study on Mid Day Meal Programme in Meghalya4.502009-2010Government of Meghalaya, ShillongPI
The Emerging Role of Micro Finance Programme in Mitigation the Impact of Drought, Micro Finance Research alliance Program1.002009-2011Institute For Financial Management and Research, ChennaiPI
Identification of Gaps in Technology Utilization and Training for the Development of Rural Women (a study in Andhra Pradesh)14.502007-2008Department of Science and Industrial Research, Ministry of Science and Technology, GoIPI
People’s Vulnerability and Drought3.002004-2007UGC Major ProjectPI
Collaborative Diversity Research on Women Leaders in Panchayat, Educational Resources Center1.002003-2004Ford FoundationPI
Pathways Programme15.002002-2007Ford FoundationPI
Impact assessment of literacy Program in Ajmer District0.501999-2001UGC Minor ProjectPI
Campus Diversity Initiative Partnership Grant project15.001998-2002Ford FoundationPI
Campus Diversity initiative project-A major project for Human skill development15.001995-1998Ford Foundation U.S.API

  • Advisor in UBA from - 02-09-2024 to Till Date
  • Advisor, Unnat Bharat Abhiyan in Rajasthan Technical University from - 02-09-2024 to Till Date
  • Member in Haridev Joshi Institute of Journalism and Mass Communication from - 17-08-2024 to Till Date
  • Library Coordinator of the Department of HSS in MNIT Jaipur from - 22-07-2023 to Till Date
  • Member, Board of Studies, English & Humanities in Office of the Dean Academic Affairs, Rajasthan Technical University from - 11-06-2024 to 10-06-2027
  • Press Media Committee Member for Educationist Interaction Meet: NEP 2020 in MNIT Jaipur from - 20-06-2023 to 23-06-2023
  • Media Management Committee Convener to organize two events in Diamond Jubilee Year in MNIT Jaipur from - 08-06-2023 to 14-06-2023
  • DSC in MNIT from - 01-08-2022 to 30-06-2023
  • Associate Dean in Office of Digital Outreach, MNIT Jaipur from - 18-07-2022 to 17-07-2024
  • Convenor in Committee - Alumni Day 2021 from - 17-12-2021 to 17-08-2022
  • Member in Disciplinary Committee, MNIT Jaipur from - 10-08-2021 to 31-03-2021
  • Member in Website Committee from - 23-07-2019 to 17-08-2022
  • Head in Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNIT Jaipur from - 04-06-2019 to 09-06-2021
  • Coordinator in Office of Communication and Outreach, MNIT Jaipur from - 14-11-2018 to 16-02-2022
  • coordinator in Committee Vision and Mission Document MNIT from - 21-08-2018 to 00-00-0000
  • Convenor in DPGC from - 20-07-2018 to 20-07-2018

  • Member, Board of Studies for new P.G. Courses for For a period of 3 years given by Rajasthan Technical University, Kota Year - 2024
  • Best Paper Award (1st Prize) Team (Surbhi Sethi, Srishti Saxena, Prof. Manju Singh) for given by International conference on Management Research, KIIT Odisha Year - 2024
  • Member, Advisory Board of Madhya Pradesh Journal of Social Sciences for given by Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain (India) Year - 2024
  • Managing Editor of Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities for given by Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Year - 2023
  • Expert VC Nominee-Economics for given by University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Year - 2023
  • External Expert for an Interview for For Project personnels for the research project given by Department of Economics, University of Rajasthan Year - 2023
  • Managing Editor for given by Current Research Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities Year - 2023
  • Member, Selection Committee for recruitment of various faculty positions in DoHSS and DMS for given by NIT Hamirpur Year - 2023
  • Member, Board of Studies in Applied Science Department for given by University College of Engineering, Banswara Year - 2022
  • Vice-Chancellors nominee and Chairperson, Inspection Team for Inspection of affiliated institutes of BTU given by Bikaner Technical University Year - 2022
  • Member, Screening-cum-Evaluation Commitee for CAS promotion of the University teachers given by Central University of Rajasthan Year - 2022
  • Senate Member External for given by National Institute of Technology, Kurukshetra (Haryana) Year - 2022
  • Member, Board of Studies for given by School of Social Sciences, Central University of Rajasthan Year - 2022
  • Member, School Board, Social Science, 2022 for given by Central University of Rajasthan, Kishangarh Year - 2022
  • Member of the Advisory Board for Social Science Explorer, ISSN 0976-1969, publication of Social Sciences Research Centre (SSRC) given by University of Rajasthan, Jaipur Year - 2021
  • Member, Board of Studies for the Department of Economics given by University of Ladakh Year - 2021
  • Member, International Editorial Board for Journal entitled "Amity Management Review (AMR)" given by AMITY University Rajasthan Year - 2021
  • Member, UGC constituted Expert Committee for On the Sport Inspection of Wilson College, Girgaon Chowpatty, Mumbai for autonomous status given by UGC, New Delhi Year - 2021
  • Certification of Two week Course (April 6-22, 2020) for Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process given by Indian Institute of Technology Bombay (TEQIP Online Certification) Year - 2020
  • Senator for Senate given by Indian Institute of Information Technology Kota Year - 2020
  • Certificate for Course (29.06.2020) for Excel Skills for Business: Essentials given by Macquarie University offered through Coursera Year - 2020
  • Digital Transformation in Teaching Learning Process (DTITLP) for TEQIP Online Certification - 2 week course (April 6-22, 2020) given by Organised by NPIU, and conducted by IIT Bombay on SWAYAM Year - 2020
  • Certificate of Course on Research for Impact (24.04.2020) for Coursera 6 weeks on line course given by University of Cape Town & Oxfam Year - 2020
  • Subject Expert for Selection Committee Meeting for granting Career Advancement Scheme (CAS) to Asst. Prof., MLVTEC Bhil given by Rajasthan Technical University Kota Year - 2020
  • Evaluation Expert for Workshop on Research Project Presentation by students given by St. Xaviers College, Jaipur Year - 2020
  • Subject Expert of Evaluation Team for STRIDE Proposal Evaluation Meeting given by BHU, Varanasi Year - 2019
  • Member, Editorial Board and International Committee for International Conference on Nation-Building 2019: Connecting Government, Business and Civil Society given by Nation-Building Institute International (NBII), Malaysia Year - 2019
  • Member BOS for Board of Studies for the Department of English & Humanities given by University of Engineering & Management (UEM), Jaipur Year - 2019
  • Professional Development Training for 5 Days Training for Heads of the Departments (27-31 May 2019) given by IIM Udaipur Year - 2019
  • Project Leader Consultant for Explore India Programme for students given by University of Lancaster, UK Year - 2017
  • Visiting Scholarship under Endowment Fund for To visit Wawsan Open University, Penang Malaysia given by Manipal University, Jaipur Year - 2017
  • Consultant (Dec 27,2017-January 2,2018) for National Workshop on Employability given by Foundation for Academic Excellence and Access, New Delhi Year - 2017
  • Project Leader for National Capacity Development workshop given by FAEA, New Delhi Year - 2016
  • Member for Board of Studies (Social Sciences) given by SVVV, Indore Madhaya Pradesh Year - 2016
  • Research Award for Paper Presentation given by Odette School of Business Sustainability Symposium, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Year - 2015
  • Member for Editorial Advisory Board, Reconsidering the Impact of Climate Change on Global Water Supply, Use, an given by IGI Global Year - 2015
  • Member for Advisory Board Third International Conference Emerging Trends in The Global Financial Landscape SCMS given by Symbiosis International University, Pune Year - 2015
  • Recipient of Financial support for presentation of a paper for Odette School of Business Sustainability Symposium given by Odette School of Business, University of Windsor, Ontario, Canada Year - 2015
  • Sir Ratan Tata Fellowship Award for Post-Doctoral given by London School of Economics, London, UK Year - 2012
  • Member for Curriculum Consolidation meeting on proposed MA in Rural Development and Governance course given by TISS, Tata Institute of Social Science, Campus, Hyderabad Year - 2010
  • Certificate of Executive Education Course on Evaluating Social Programs for 47 hours Executive Education Course in Chennai given by J-PAL South Asia Year - 2009
  • Full scholarship award for For participation in “2nd International meeting of the Global Network of Government Innovators” given by AIDGI, Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Governance, Cambridge, Massachusetts Year - 2008
  • Full scholarship for Participation in Second international meeting of the Global Network of Government Innovators at Ash given by Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Governance, Cambridge, Massachusetts Year - 2008
  • Associate ship for Associate ship given by Indian Institute of Advanced Studies Shimla Year - 2006
  • Associate ship for Associate ship given by Indian Institute of Advanced Studies Shimla Year - 2004
  • Associate ship for Associate ship given by Indian Institute of Advanced Studies Shimla Year - 2002
  • Associate ship for Research given by Indian Institute of Advanced Studies Shimla Year - 2002
  • Member (2000-2003) for Board of Studies given by Sarojini Naidu Govt. Girls College, Bhopal Year - 2000
  • Fellow-ICSSR for Doctoral Research given by ICSSR, New Delhi Year - 1992
  • University Gold Medal for Master in Arts (Economics) given by Jodhpur University Year - 1982
  • Lion Jha Gold Medal for Securing First Position in the University given by Jodhpur University Year - 1980
  • University Gold Medal for Bachelor of Arts given by Jodhpur University Year - 1980
  • Board Scholarship for Higher Studies for Scholarship for State Merit holders students ( Top Ten in Rajasthan) given by Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education Year - 1977
  • National Scholarship for Award for recognition of securing high position in the state of Rajasthan given by Ministry of Education and Social Welfare, Govt of India Year - 1976

SNo. Type Title Event Place Schedule
1Expert MemberState Level Stakeholder ConsultationPolicy Governance and Participatory Groundwater Management: Learnings from Atal Bhujal Yojana and MGNREGSHotel Royal Orchid, Durgapura, JaipurMay-2024
2TalkPaper presented, titled "Smart Learning Environments: An Investigation of Barriers to Technology - Enabled Blended Learning in Higher Education"International Conference on Management Research (ICMR-2024)KIIT SOM, OnlineFeb-2024
3TalkPaper presented, titled "Latent Biases and Risks of AI Integration in Climate - smart Agriculture Regime"International Conference on Management Research (ICMR-2024)KIIT SOM, OnlineFeb-2024
4KeynoteResearch for Impact in Social Science and Public Policye-Short Term Program (e-STP) entitled Mixed Method Research for Social Sciences and Public Policy-1(MMRSP-1)Dept. of Humanities and Social Science, National Institute of Technology Hamirpur-HP (Online)Feb-2024
5KeynoteResearch for ImpactTwo Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members, sponsored by the ICSSR, New Delhi,MP Institute of Social Science Research, Ujjain (MP)Dec-2023
6Member of CommitteeMeeting of the Board of GovernorsShanti Business School, AhmedabadSBS, AhmedabadOct-2023
7ChairSession Chairperson for the special lecture of the Chief Speaker Prof. Mukul Asher, NUSInternational Conference on Growth, Resilence and Sustainability in an Uncertain WorldCentral University of RajasthanApr-2023
8KeynotePresented Paper on Humanitarian System for Indemnifying Farmers Income against Production Risk: Economic Analysis of Innovations in providing Monetary Aids2nd International Conference on Innovations in Business, Trade and CommerceMIT-WPU, PuneMar-2023
9KeynotePresented paper on The Digital Road to Financial Inclusion in India2nd International Conference on Innovations in Business, Trade and CommerceMIT-WPU, PuneMar-2023
10KeynoteThe Black Swan: The Impact of Technology-Enabled Blended Learning in Higher Education in Post-Covid India3rd International Conference on Sustainability and Equity (ICSE-2022)KIIT DU, Bhubaneswar (Odisha)Nov-2022
11TalkResearch Methodology Course for PDF/Ph.D./M.PhilResearch Methodology Course for PDF/Ph.D./M.Phil. Scholars, organized by MP institute of social science research, sponsored by the Indian Council of Social Science Research, New Delhi.Ujjain MPMar-2022
12KeynoteMany Facets of Covid-19 PandemicNational Conference "Many Facets of Covid-19 Pandemic", organized by Council of Social Development, HyderabadHyderabad Mar-2022
13TalkRegulatory System of Higher EducationConsultation meetingUGC, New Delhi (Online)Dec-2021
14TalkRegulatory System of Higher EducationConsultation meeting organised by Ministry of Education, Govt. of IndiaOnlineDec-2021
15KeynoteSelection of Topic for Research Proposal and Literature ReviewExecutive Development Program on Writing a Research ProposalFaculty of Design, Manipal University, JaipurNov-2021
16Talk "Writing a Research Proposal."Executive Development Program, Dept of Fine Arts MUJMUJ JaipurNov-2021
17KeynoteEngaged Scholarship for Social Transformation (Resource Person)Refresher Course in Educational Policies & Reforms: New Perspectives (Multidisciplinary) (online)UGC-Human Resource Development Centre (HRDC), University of Rajasthan, JaipurNov-2021
18KeynoteUnderstanding Different Research PerspectiveUGC-HRDC Online Faculty Induction Programme (Guru Dakshata) Devi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore Sep-2021
19TalkHuman Values and Social SustainabilityAICTE sponsored F.D.P. on "Universal Design Approach for Built Environment" under the ATAL Academy organized by the MNIT JaipurDepartment of Architecture and Planning,MNIT Jaipur Aug-2021
20KeynoteEnsuring Applied ResearchFaculty Induction ProgrammeVivekananda Global University, JaipurAug-2021
21TalkUnderstanding Different Research PerspectiveFaculty Induction Programme (Guru Dakshata)Online - UGC-HRDC, Devi Ahilya University, IndoreAug-2021
22TalkResponsible Conduct for ResearchOnline Two Weeks Capacity Building Programme for Social Science Faculty Members, Madhya Pradesh Institute of Social Science Research (MPISSR), July 22 to August 4, 2021MPISSRJul-2021
23KeynoteWomen Empowerment International Women Day celebrationAtomic Minerals Directorate for Exploration and Research, Western Region, JaipurMar-2021
24KeynoteEngaged Scholarship for Social Transformation: Understanding Community Based Participatory ResearchInternational Webinar on "N.E.P. 2020: Implications, Challenges and Paradigm Shift in Humanities and Social Sciences Education"Department of Humanities and Social Sciences, National Institute of Technology, Warangal.Jan-2021
25TalkNurturing Morals, Work Ethics & Accountability for Technical Teachers (Resource Person)AICTE Sponsored Online Faculty Development ProgrammeDeptt. of Computer Science & Engineering, Velagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, VijDec-2020
26TalkEthics in Academics AICTE sponsored two-week online Faculty Development Programme on "Nurturing Morals, Work Ethics & Accountability for Technical TeachersVelagapudi Ramakrishna Siddhartha Engineering College, Kanuru, VijayawadaDec-2020
27TalkEngaged Scholarship for Social TransformationOnline Workshop on Best Practices for Integrity in ResearchMNIT JaipurNov-2020
28TalkIntegrity and Ethics in ResearchOnline Workshop on Best Practices for Integrity in ResearchMNIT JaipurNov-2020
29TalkEmploying CBPR to understand the wellbeing of Higher Eduation students during Covid-19 Lockdown in IndiaInternational Conference on Sustainability and Equity - Theme: Digital Society Kalinga Institute of Industrial Technology (KIIT), Bhubaneswar (Online)Nov-2020
30TalkEducation for Development: Reorienting Higher Education Institutes for Social Change (Paper)Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards Quality Education (G:4), Gender Equality (G:5), Affordable and Clean Energy (G:7) in IndiaMNIT JaipurSep-2020
31TalkDemocratisation of Higher Education: Leveraging Technology - Enabled Blended Learning in Post-COVID India (Paper)Online National Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards Quality Education (G:4), Gender Equality (G:5), Affordable and Clean Energy (G:7) in IndiaMNIT JaipurSep-2020
32TalkSession ChairNational Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: The Way Forward Towards Quality Education (G:4), Gender Equality (G:5), Affordable and Clean Energy (G:7) in IndiaMNIT Jaipur & NIT Jaipur (Online)Sep-2020
33KeynoteGender Bias and Stereotyping, Gender Equality and Women(s) RightOne Day National Webinar organized by Jagannath Gupta Institute of Engineering & TechnologyJaipurJun-2020
34TalkChallenges in Rural Economy (Resource Person)Two days webinar on Post COVID Scenario on Indian SocietyDevi Ahilya Vishwavidyalaya, Indore (Online)Jun-2020
35TalkEngaged Scholarship in Higher Education Institutes: Converging Theory and Practice (Speaker)2nd GUNI International Conference on Sustainable Development Goals: Higher Education & Science Take Barcelona (Spain)Mar-2020
36ChairThe Urban Governance: Issues and InitiativesNational Conference on The Urban Governance: Issues and InitiativesUniversity of Rajasthan, JaipurFeb-2020
37TalkResearch Methods in Social Sciences (Resource Person)National Workshop on Research Methods in Social SciencesUniversity of Rajasthan, JaipurDec-2019
38TalkResearch Method National Workshop on Research Methods in Social Sciences, University of Rajasthan, JaipurDec-2019
39TalkFastracking SDGs: Role of Academia and Industry (Expert)3rd Annual Seminar on Rajasthan in the series "Rajasthan 2030" on Fastracking SDGs: Role of AcademiaJaipuria Institute of Management, JaipurDec-2019
40KeynoteThird Annual Rajasthan 2030 SeminarThird Annual Rajasthan 2030 SeminarJaipuria Institute of Management, JaipurDec-2019
41TalkHigher Education: Issues and Challenges (Resource Person)Refresher Course in Higher Education: Issues and Challenges (Multi-Disciplinary)University of Rajasthan, JaipurNov-2019
42TalkEngaged Scholarship for Social Transformation (Resource Person)Refresher Course in Social Sciences - Engaged Scholarship for Social TransformationUniversity of Rajasthan, JaipurOct-2019
43ChairGandhian Discourse in Humanities & Social Sciences National Conference on Gandhian Discourse in Humanities & Social SciencesNIT Uttarakhand & MNIT JaipurOct-2019
44TalkResearch (Resource Person)National Research workshopMPISSR, UjjainJul-2017
45KeynoteGlobalizationInternational Conference on GlobalizationDevi AhilyaVishvVidyalaya, IndoreFeb-2017
46TalkResearch (Resource Person)National Research WorkshopMPISSR, UjjainDec-2016
47TalkResearch Conference (Session Chair)12th International Cooperative Alliance New DelhiNov-2016
48TalkPanel Speaker4th International Conference on Growth, Globalization and GovernanceJK Laxmipat University, JaipurJan-2016
49KeynoteSHG and Women Empowerment", International Training Programme, National Institute of Rural Development, Hyderabad.International Training ProgrammeHyderabadMar-2015
50TalkAccounting, Finance, Banking and Economics (Session Chair)International Conference "Creating Opportunities in emerging Markets- A global Approach"SCMS NoidaFeb-2015
51KeynoteRural Rajasthan: An emerging power house35th Annual Conference of Rajasthan Economic AssociationDept. of Economics, Central University of RajasthanJan-2015
52TalkHow to avoid Plagiarism (Resource Person)How to avoid PlagiarismFaculty of Health and Bio Medical SciencesNov-2014
53TalkWriting Research report (Resource Person)Writing Research reportBMHRC, BhopalNov-2014
54TalkArt of writing a successful Research Thesis (Resource Person)Art of writing a successful Research ThesisManagement Development Centre, Larsen &Turbo, LonavalaOct-2014
55TalkResearch (Resource Person)Research WorkshopSSLADec-2013
56ChairMillennium Development Goals: Performance, Prospects and Challenges for South IndiaWomen Empowerment: Challenges, Development Convention 2011Institute of Public Enterprise, HyderabadNov-2011
57Keynote3rd Biennial International Conference on Entrepreneurship, Center for Entrepreneurship and Small Business ManagementMDS University Ajmer (Rajasthan)Feb-2011
58Talk"Project Management", International Training Programme on `Human Resource Development for Development ProfessionalsNational Institute of Rural Development, Rajendra Nagar, Hyderabad.HyderabadJun-2010
59TalkEngendering Democracy: Some issues in public forum for "Engendering against Democratic Governance in South Asia organized by YFA in partnership with SAP-International, Hyderabad.YFA in partnership with SAP-International, Hyderabad.HyderabadMay-2010
60TalkRefresher Course for college/university teachersRefresher Course for college/university teachers, M.D.S. University, Ajmer M.D.S. University, Ajmer Mar-2006
61TalkTourist Guide Training Programme, Tourist Guide Training Programme, organized by Department of Rajasthan Tourism, AjmerAjmerApr-2002
62TalkDiversity in India Pathways Orientation Programme for college/university teachers, M.D.S. University, Ajmer AjmerMay-2001
63TalkDiversity in India Workshop on Sanskritic Dharohar Sanrakshan ProgrammeDepartment of Rajasthan Tourism and Rajasthan Board of Secondary Education, Jaipur May-2001
64TalkPersonality Development Personality Development program, Govt College, Kalimpong West BengalApr-1998

S.No. Category Name of Activity Organization Place Position Schedule
1NationalCoordinator, Office of Communication OutreachMNIT JaipurSocial Media Coordinator Jan-2019
2NationalBan on Single-Use PlasticCommunication and Outreach teamMNIT Campus SchoolCoordinator, Office of Communication OutreachOct-2019
3NationalTree Plantation DriveDepartment of Humanities and Social Sciences, MNIT JaipurMNIT CampusProfessor & Head, DoHSS, MNIT JaipurJul-2019
4NationalSession on Good touch & Bad touchMNIT JaipurGovt Upper Primary School, MNIT CampusCoordinator, Office of Communication Outreach and HoD, HSSFeb-2020
5NationalUnnat Bharat Abhiyan MNITMNIT Jaipur Advisor Aug-2024