मालवीय राष्ट्रीय प्रौद्योगिकी संस्थान जयपुर (राष्ट्रीय महत्व का संस्थान)
Malaviya National Institute of Technology Jaipur (An Institute of National Importance)
Materials Research Centre
Welcome to Materials Research Centre
Centre by the Numbers




Journal Publications


Conf. Publications


Research Projects


PhD Awarded

In order to augment the infrastructure for advanced research and to attain excellence in innovative research in materials technology, a centre of excellence - Materials Research Centre, has been created under the able support and guidance of the competent authority.
The Materials Research Centre (MRC) aims to harness the talent resources of MNIT for promoting interdisciplinary research in appropriate materials technologies. Besides catering to the research needs of the institutional faculty & students, the state of the art research facilities of the Materials Research Centre will also be extended to the scientists, faculty and researchers of other institutes as well as to private sector/ industries.
MRC also contemplates instructing qualified potential users on the operation of the available instruments and the interpretation of data. The centre encourages inquiries concerning the development of new methodologies and welcomes contract and potential collaborative work. The equipment procured in Phase I of the Centre has been installed & commissioned. MRC staff and faculty is highly trained and quite thorough on application of these state of the art experimental facilities. The students of MNIT have also received trainings on the equipment & the equipment has been made open to users across the country. The applicable charges can be known from the office, MRC.


To emerge as world class research intensive centre for providing interdisciplinary research and education in frontiers of materials technology. It also contemplates thriving for excellence, knowledge creation & dissemination for useful economic activities, beside creation of new generation scientist resources of the country.


1. Promotion of interdisciplinary cutting edge research in the emerging areas of materials technology.
2. Provide outstanding technical education for fundamental understanding, materials properties and creation of materials for advanced applications.
3. Active collaboration with institutes and universities of national and international repute for enhancement of sponsored research activities in materials technology.
4. Evolution of means to encourage industrial participation in technology development and research in areas of mutual interest.
5. To provide quality training on various analytical equipment’s for creation of highly skilled technical manpower.

Contact Information

Dr. Nisha Verma
Head, Materials Research Centre
Malaviya National Institute of Technology
JLN Marg, Jaipur-302017
+91-141-2713598 (office)